Engleza, întrebare adresată de maddyscumpytyc, 9 ani în urmă

Traducere romană -engleză :
Bună mamă , tată,

A trecut puțin timp de când a început vacanța mea în Islanda ,totuși imi este dor de voi . Simt că a trecut mult timp de când nu ne-am întâlnit . Aici totul este diferit de România , dar e frumos , acum am prieteni noi.,a fost ușor să mă integrez . Revederea noastră va fi una specială,până atunci ..pe curând, vă iubesc !

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Mmp10
Hello mom,dad, 

It's been a short while since my holiday in Island has started, but i miss you. I feel like a lot of time has passed since we saw eachother. Here everything is different than in Romania, but it's beautiful. i have new friends , it was easy to integrate.it will be aazing when we'll reunite . Untill then, ferwell, i love you
Răspuns de anisiazlataru
hello mother and father,
It's been a little time since my vacation in Iceland began but I'm still missing you. I feel like it has been a really long time since we haven't seen each other. Everything here is different of Romania but it's still very nice. It has been easy for me to get to fit in and I actually made some new friends. I love you and I bet our reunion will be really special.  
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