Traduceti acest text dar NU pe google translate ! Una din persoanele pe care o iubesc cel mai mult este sora mea ! Ea are 20 de ani si 1.65 inaltime . Nu este foarte grasa dar nici slaba , cam intre cele doua . Parul ei este negru si cret de marime medie si foarte stralucitor . Forma fetei este ovala , cu gene scurte , sprancene potrivite , ochi ei fiind maronii dar foarte frumosi . Nasul este mic dar buzele ei sunt foarte mari . Ea poarta si ochelari si are multe alunite .
Aceasta este prezentarea surorii mele o persoana draga mie. DAU COROANA
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One of the people I love most is my sister! She is 20 years old and 1.65 tall. NotIt is very fat nor thin, somewhere between the two. Her hair is black and curly medium sized and very bright. Face shape is oval, with short eyelashes, eyebrows right, her eyes are brown but very beautiful. The nose is small but her lips are very high. And she wears glasses and has many moles.This is my sister's presentation a person dear to me
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one of the people i love the most is my sister. she is 30 and she has 1.65 m height. she is not very fat or very skinny, kind of in between. her hair is black, curly, medium sized and very shiny. she has oval face, short eye lashes and her eyes are brown and beautiful. her nose is small but her lips are really big. she wears glasses and she has a lot of spots. this is my sister, a person i love very much.
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