Engleza, întrebare adresată de DedeDea28, 9 ani în urmă

Traduceți asta in engleză:
Din pacate eu am copilarit la oras si nu prea am facut pozne amuzante, dar mama a facut fiarte multe, de aia am ales sa spun pozne de ale mamei.
Intr-o zi, cand bunica trebuia sa plece de acasă a pus-o pe mama sa termine mancarea, iar pe sora ei să aseze lemnele, iar cum mama era mai mare a pus-o ,,şefă". Si pentru ca mami a luat prea inserios rolul de ,,şefă" s-a dus la mătuşa si i-a spus sa se mişte mai repede, atunci a inceput o cearta intre ele. Mătuşa a plecat in casa, iar mama nervoasă fiind, fiindcă matuşa nu si-a facut treaba a aruncat cu un lemn in geam, a spart geamul iar apoi i-a spart capul surorii ei. Problema nu era capul spart al matusii, ci era geamul spart asa ca s-au gandit sa pună o piatra foarte mare langa geam si sa spună că un băiat a dat cu praştia si le-a spart geamul. Bineinteles ca bunica si-a dat seama iar mama si matusa au regretat
Dau 20 de puncte

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de LilAndy2003

Unfortunately I spent my childhood in the town area and I didn't really do funny tricks, but my mother did a lot of them, that's why i chose to tell my mom's tricks.

One day, when my grandma needed to leave she had my mum to finish the food, and her sister to arrange the woods and because my mom was older, she was the "boss". And because my mother took too seriously the role, she went to the aunt and told her to move faster, then a fight started between the two of them. My aunt went inside the house, and my mum, being nervous because my aunt didn't do her job, threw a wood in the window and broke the window and her sister's head. The problem wasn't my aunt's broken head, but the broken window, so they thought to put a very big rock near the window and to say that a boy used a catapult and broke their window. Of course that grandma figured it out and my mom and aunt regreted

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