Engleza, întrebare adresată de denisa2003, 9 ani în urmă

traduceti: Ce zi groaznica!
Ziua de astazi nu a fost chiar pe placul meu. A fost groaznic, cum scoala nu este chiar pe gustul meu, nu m-am bucurat cand am fost ascultat la aproape toate materiile.
Astazi matematica a fost mai grea ca oricand, am fost primul scos la tabla si ascultat din lectie.
Notele nu au fost tocmai pe gustul meu, apoi la ultima ora, am dormit, de obosita ce eram!A fost doar o banala ora de muzica, i-au lectia de la un coleg...
Sper ca parinti sa nu ma certe pentu notele luate, stiu ca nu le plac notele de 8!

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de cropivnitchi
Today was not really to my liking. It was awful, how school is not really to my taste, no I enjoyed when I was listening to almost all subjects.Today math was heavier than ever, I was first put on board and listened to the lesson.The notes were not exactly to my taste, and the last time I slept, tired I was! It was just an ordinary music class, they lesson from a colleague ...I hope I'm not arguing for proper parents to notes taken, I know they do not like Notes 8!
Răspuns de ThisDumbSmart
Today was not really to my liking. It was awful, how school is not really to my taste, no I enjoyed when I was listening to almost all subjects. Today math was heavier than ever, I was first put on board and listened to the lesson. The notes were not exactly to my taste, and the last time I slept, tired I was! It was just an ordinary music class, they lesson from a colleague ... I hope I'm not arguing for proper parents to notes taken, I know they do not like Notes 8!
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