Engleza, întrebare adresată de iRack1, 9 ani în urmă

Traduceti cu Corespondenta Timpurilor :
Mi-a spus ca sora ei e la scoala.
Domnul Palmer nu stia ca papuciilui de casa sunt sub dulap.
Lavinia este sigura ca Tony o asteapta in gradina.
Speram ca e acasa.
Mi-a spus ca nu stie sa vorbeasca nemteste.
Spuneau ca piesa este foarte interesanta.
Mi-am dat seama ca are dreptate.
Ne-au spus ca nu ne pot astepta
(Ea) mi-a spus ca sunt cea mai trista persoanape care o cunoaste.
Mi-ai spus ca, costul biletului este cat se poate de moderat(folositi as cheap as possible)

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de MadalinaElene
She told me that her sister is at school.
Mister Palmer didn't know that his slippers were under the wardrobe.
Lavinia is sure that Tony is waiting for her in the garden.
I hoped that he is home.
She told me that she doesn't know how to speak german.
They said the play is very interesting.
I realized that she is right.
They said that they can't wait for us.
She told me that i am the saddest person she knows.
You told me that the price of the ticket is as cheap as possible.

Sper ca te-am ajutat!

iRack1: le-ai facut cu un site??
MadalinaElene: Nu,deja stiu timpurile foarte bine. :)
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