Engleza, întrebare adresată de Mirela27, 9 ani în urmă

Traduceti, daca puteti, textul acesta :
For political reasons, three years later, in 1540, Henry married Anne of Cleves. She was rather ugly and when Henry first saw her he said : "I like her not". This was a short marriage because Henry divorced Anne in the same year.
Three weeks after the divorce, the king married Catherine Howard, a pretty, young girl. Unfortunately, by this time, henry had grown old and fat. Catherine did not love the king, she loved somebody else and it was not difficult for Henry to find out. The result? She was beheaded in 1542.
Old and stick, Henry needed someone to look after him and in 1543 he met Catherine Parr and married her. catherine eas good with the king's children and everything seemed to eb all right, but soon Henry died leaving behind his wife and three children.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Geta1955
Pentru motive politice, trei ani mai tarziu, in 1540, Henric s-a casatorit cu Ana de Cleves. Ea era mai degraba urata si cand Henric a vazut-o prima oara a spus: "Nu e pe placul meu". A fost o casatorie scurta deoarece Henric a divortat de Ana in acelasi an.
La trei saptamani dupa divort, regele s-a insurat cu Caterina Howard, o tanara draguta. Din pacate, la vremea aceea, Henric imbatranise si se ingrasase. Caterina nu l-a iubit pe rege, ea iubea pe altcineva si n-a fost greu ca Henric sa afle. Rezultatul? Ea a fost decapitata in 1542.
Batran si bolnav, Henric a avut nevoie de cineva care sa il ingrijeasca si in 1543 a intalnit-o pe Caterina Parr si s-a insurat cu ea. Caterina era buna cu copiii regelui si totul parea sa fie in regula, dar curand Henric muri lasand in urma o sotie si trei copii.

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