Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 9 ani în urmă

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                                             A strange vanishing act
   One summer afternoon in New York in 1875 , while his life was preparing dinner , Mr Levi Gaming left his house to buy some tobacco . He never returned . Sixty years later in 1935 , The New York Times printed a story about a men 'dressed in strange old - fashioned clothes ' who stepped in front of a car while crossing Times Square . He died instantly.
   The dad man was carrying no identification and there was nothing in his pocket except some old banck notes from the year 1875.The police had no idea who the man was or why he was wearing such strange clothes , until a police officer decided to check the missing person file for 1875. In the file was a description of Mr . Gaming which matched the description of the dead man exactly . It was then that the questions began

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O intimplare ciudata Intr-o dupa-amiaza de vara in 1875 New York iubita sa sotie ii pregatea cina Domn.Levi Gaming a luat-o spre stinga la coltul casei pentru a cumpara putin tutun.Dar el nu s-a mai intors.60 de ani mai tirziu in. 1935 in ziarul TheNew york time a fost printata o istorioara despre un om imbracat in haine vechi din moda anilor trecuti. Care a fost lovit de o masina in timp ce trecea strada.El adecedat pe loc.Omul nu a putut fi identificat si el nu avea nimic in buzunare sa-i demonstreze identitatea,cu exeptie unormonede vechi dinanii 1875.Politia nu avea nici o idee despre cine ar fi putut fi barbatul si nici nu stiu de ce era imbracat in haine atit de vechi.De aceea politia a decis sa caute aceasta persoana printre cele inregistrate inanii 1875.atunci au dat de un om pe nume Dmn.Gaming. Care arata exact ca cel decedat.Aceasta intimplareaa dat inceputul unei mari intreba
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