Traduceti din romana in engleza cele 2 texte:
1.O zi obisnuita incepe cam asa: dimineata ma trezesc, ma spal pe dinti si pe fata, dupa care iau micul dejun, ma imbrac si plec la scoala. La scoala sunt atent la ore, imi repet in pauze si incerc sa dau tot ce-i mai bun din mine. Dupa scoala, iau cina,deoarece ajung seara acasa, si-mi fac in liniste temele pentru ziua de maine, dupa care dorm o ora jumatate sau chiar doua. Nu fac ceva special intr-o zi obisnuita, dupa ce-mi termin temele navighez pe internet pentru a ma recrea, mai exact intru pe diverse site-uri de socializare sau ma joc diverse jocuri. Cam asa este o zi obisnuita de-a mea.
2.Muzica este una dintre cele mai importante elemente din viata noastra. Aceasta este ceea ce ne defineste,care ne ajuta sa supravietuim si sa ne echilibram starea emotionala. De-a lungul anilor s-a constatat ca nici un om nu ar rezista sa nu auda un timp indelungat muzica si lumea intreaga,nu exista nici un om,care nu a auzit niciodata un cantec. Muzica ne vine in ajutor atunci cand suntem tristi sau suntem veseli,diferenta este doar ca in momentul in care suntem fericiti,savuram muzica si ne distram cand auzim ritmul,insa in momentul in care suntem tristi,intelegem versurile pe care ni le transmite.
Răspunsuri la întrebare
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1. A typical day starts like this: morning I wake up, I brush my teeth and face after taking breakfast, I get dressed and go to school. At school classes are careful, I repeat pause and try to give everything the best of me. After school, dinner, since I get home at night and do my homework quietly for tomorrow after sleeping an hour and a half or two. Do not do something special in a typical day, after I finish my homework, surf the Internet to recreate me exactly get on various social sites or go play various games. So is a typical day of mine.
2.Muzica is one of the most important elements of our lives. This is what defines us, which helps us to survive and balance our emotional state. Over the years it was found that no man could resist a long time not hear the music and the world, there is no man who has never heard a song. Music comes to help when we are sad or rejoicing, the difference is only when we are happy, enjoy music and have fun when we hear the rhythm, but when we are sad, we understand that we send lyrics.
2.Muzica is one of the most important elements of our lives. This is what defines us, which helps us to survive and balance our emotional state. Over the years it was found that no man could resist a long time not hear the music and the world, there is no man who has never heard a song. Music comes to help when we are sad or rejoicing, the difference is only when we are happy, enjoy music and have fun when we hear the rhythm, but when we are sad, we understand that we send lyrics.
2.Music is one of the most important elements of our lives. This is what defines us , which helps us to survive and balance our emotional state . Over the years it was found that no man could resist a long time not hear the music and the world , there is no man who has never heard a song . Music comes to help when we are sad or rejoicing , the difference is only when we are happy , enjoy music and have fun when we hear the rhythm , but when we are sad , we understand that we send lyrics .
Răspuns de
A typical day starts like this: In the morning I wake up, I wash my teeth and my face , after that I take my breakfast, I dress up and go to school. At school I pay attention at the lessons, I repeat on breaks and I try to give what is best from me. After school , I eat dinner , cause I get home at evening. And I do my homework in silence for the next day, after I sleep 1 hour or even two. I don't do anything speacial on a typical day, after I finish my homework I surf / browse the internet to take a break , I actually go to different websites or I play some games. A normal day is somehow like that for me.
2. Music is one of the most important elements in our life. This is what defines us, which helps us survive and to balance our emotions. Over the years it was found that no man could resist a long time without music and the world. There is no man that never heard a song. Music comes to help when we are sad or we are happy, the difference is only when we are happy, we enjoy the music and we when we hear the rhythm, but in the moment when we are sad, we understand the lyrics which it sends
2. Music is one of the most important elements in our life. This is what defines us, which helps us survive and to balance our emotions. Over the years it was found that no man could resist a long time without music and the world. There is no man that never heard a song. Music comes to help when we are sad or we are happy, the difference is only when we are happy, we enjoy the music and we when we hear the rhythm, but in the moment when we are sad, we understand the lyrics which it sends
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