Engleza, întrebare adresată de ANONIM12D, 9 ani în urmă

Traduceti din romana in engleza urmatoarele propozitii:
Stefan splala masina in fiecare sambata dar sambata asta merge la meci cu tatal sau.
Pisica mea mananca soareci dar azi mananca peste.
Oana danseaza in fiecare week-end dar week-end-ul asta inoata.
DAU COROANA+20 PUNCTE!!!!!!! URGENT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de turcanudenis31
Stefan wash the car in every saturday but this saturday he go with his father at match.
My cat eat mices but today eats fish.
Oana dance in every weekend but this weekend she swim.

Sper ca te-am ajutat.

ANONIM12D: Multumesc mult!!!!!!!
turcanudenis31: Coroana?
ursuLenes: Stefan washes the car every single saturady but this saturday he goes to the game with his father. My cat eats mice but today it eats fish.Oana dances every week-end but this week-end she swims.
ursuLenes: raspunsul lui Turcanudenis nu respecta declinarea verbelor pentru persoana a treia singular
ursuLenes: pluralul la soareci este mice nu mices
ursuLenes: am uitat sa scriu zilele saptamanii cu litera mare si adauga virgula inainte de cuvantul but. te rog tine cont de regulile astea
ANONIM12D: Multumesc pt sfaturi URSULENES!!!!!!
Răspuns de raduannemarie
Stephen washes his car every SATURDAY,but this Saturday goes at the football game with his dad. My cat eats mice,but today eats fish. Oana is dancing every weekend,but this weekend she's swimming.

ursuLenes: Oana nu is dancing every weekend pentru ca week-endurile incep si se termina .. nu sunt continue. Virgula transforma fraza in doua propozitii.. but this Saturday goes at the ... cine? lipseste subiectul .. se adauga obligatoriu he, she, etc .. meci= game .. football game= meci de fotbal .. erori de traducere. but this weekend she's swimming... este corect eu am gresit .. ziua a inceput si nu s-a terminat este o actiune continua
ursuLenes: Stefan washes the car every single saturady but this saturday he goes to the game with his father. My cat eats mice but today it is eating fish.Oana dances every week-end but this week-end she is swimming.
ANONIM12D: Multumesc din nou URSULENES!!!!!!!
Alte întrebări interesante
Matematică, 9 ani în urmă