Engleza, întrebare adresată de igjijis, 10 ani în urmă

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There were a lot of other people in the club. Three people were sitting at a table. The woman was wearing a long white dress. The man sitting next to her was smoking a cigar and was looking angry. The man on the other side of the table was looking at the woman. She was smiling at him. They were all drinking wine. The barman was drying glasses behind the bar. Two young women were sitting next to each other at the bar. One of the women was wearing a short, black dress and the other woman was wearing a green suit. They were talking to each other. Two men were standing next to them. The man on the left was wearing a light grey suit. The man on the right was looking at a magazine. Three musicians were playing the drums and keyboard. A waitress was coming out of the kitchen. She was carrying an empty tray. A waiter was going into the small room where Kay Sloane and Ron Clay were. He was carrying a bottle of champagne and two glasses on a tray.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de violetaleu67
Erau multi oameni in club. 3 persoane stateau la o masa. Femeia purta o lunga rochie alba. Barbatul care statea langa ea fuma si parea nervos. Barbatul de pe partea cealalta a mesei se uita la femeie. Ea ii zambea. Ei beau vin. Barmanul stergea pahare dupa bar. Doua femei stateau una langa alta la bar. Una dintre ele purta o rochie scurta si neagra, iar cealalta purta un costum verde. Ele vorbeau. Doi barbati stateau langa ele. Barbatul din dreapta purta un costum gri-deschis. Barbatul din dreapta se uita pe o rezista. 3 muzicieni cantau la tobe si la un pian. O ospatara iesea din bucatarie. Ea cara o tava goala. Un ospatar intra in mica camera unde fusesera Kay Sloane si Ron Clay. El cara o sticla de sampanie si doua pahare pe un platou.

igjijis: E cumva cu googlw trsnslate)
violetaleu67: Nu.
violetaleu67: Sa mor eu, am luat examenul Cambridge cu 85 de puncte
igjijis: Ce putiin_ vara mea l-a luat cu A si e in Londra. Te dai mare ci C
igjijis: Cu
igjijis: App. sper ca timpurile sunt traduse corect...
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