Engleza, întrebare adresată de Mirela27, 9 ani în urmă

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In the year 1509 Henry VIII became king of England. He was the son of Henry VII, a king who was clever with people and careful with money. Unlike his father, Henry VIII maintained a magnificent court and spent a lot of money on wars, from which England had little to gain.
Two weeks before he was crowned, Henry married Catherine of Aragon. They were happy together at first. She was a good wife and she was brave, too. In 1513 while Henry was fighting a battle in France, James IV, the Scottish king attacked England. Catherine got an army together and the Scots were defeated. James himself was killed in the battle. One thing was wrong with Henry and Catherine's marriage. Time was passing and they did not have a son. All their babies, except their daughter, Mary, died a few weeks after they were born.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Geta1955
In anul 1509 Henric al VIII-lea a devenit rege al Angliei. Era fiul lui Henric al VII-le, un rege care a fost abil cu oamenii si grijului cu banii. Spre deosebire de tatal sau, Henric al VIII-lea a intretinut o curte luxoasa si a cheltuit o multime de bani pe razboaie, din care Anglia a avut putin de castigat.
Cu doua saptamani inainte de a fi incoronat, Henric s-a casatorit cu Caterina de Aragon. La inceput au fost fericiti impreuna. Ea era o sotie buna si era curajoasa, de asemenea. In 1513, in timp ce Henric ducea o lupta in Franta, James al IV-lea, regele Scotiei a atacat Anglia. Caterina a aduna o armata si scotienii au fost infranti. Insusi James a fost ucis in batalie. Un singur lucru nu era bun in casatoria dintre Henric si Caterina. Timpul trecea si nu aveau un fiu. Toti copiii, cu exceptia fiicei lor, Maria, mureau la cateva saptamani dupa nastere.

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