Engleza, întrebare adresată de rbeldean4, 8 ani în urmă

1)Omenirea întotdeauna a fost fascinată de zbor si a creat diverse masini de zbor,cum ar fi nave spațiale si avioane de luptă.
2)Avioanele cu reacție sunt adevărate minuni tehnologice,atingând viteze uluitoare.
3) Astronautul s-a simțit fara greutate si a plutit usor deasupra pământului.
4)Oamenii au început să zboare acum 200 de ani in baloane cu aer cald .
5) Istoria zborului merge inapoi la Icar,ale cărui pene s-au topit pentru că a zburat prea aproape de soare.
6) In zilele noastre ,oamenii construiesc cele mai avansate modele de avioane si elicoptere in fabrici uriașe.
7)Eforturile cercetătorilor au dat rezultate si aeronava a fost lansată la oră 10 în acestă dimineață.
8)Cerințele pentru a câștiga premiul au fost ca nava sa intre in spațiu si sa se întoarcă inapoi pe Pământ de două ori în două săptămâni.
9) Dacă o sa fie comercializate călătoriile în spațiu ,oamenii ar putea să-și petreacă vacanțele acolo ,uitandu-se cu admirație la spațiu printr-o fereastră mare.
10)Au fost 200 de pasageri la bordul avionului.Ei au transformat zborul într-o experiență de neuitat.


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de sallkf08


) Mankind has always been fascinated by flight and has created various flying machines such as spaceships and fighter jets. 2) Jet planes are true technological wonders, reaching astonishing speeds. 3) The astronaut felt weightless and floated slightly above the ground. 4) People started flying hot air balloons 200 years ago. 5) The history of the flight goes back to Icarus, whose feathers melted because he flew too close to the sun. 6) Nowadays, people build the most advanced models of airplanes and helicopters in huge factories. 7) The researchers' efforts paid off and the aircraft was launched at 10 o'clock this morning. 8) The requirements to win the prize were for the ship to enter space and return to Earth twice in two weeks. 9) If space travel is to be marketed, people could spend their holidays there, looking admiringly at space through a large window. 10) There were 200 passengers on board the plane. They turned the flight into an unforgettable experience.

Răspuns de byanca69

1) Mankind has always been fascinated by flight and has created various flying machines such as spaceships and fighter jets. 2) Jet planes are true technological wonders, reaching astonishing speeds. 3) The astronaut felt weightless and floated slightly above the ground. 4) People started flying hot air balloons 200 years ago. 5) The history of the flight goes back to Icarus, whose feathers melted because he flew too close to the sun. 6) Nowadays, people build the most advanced models of airplanes and helicopters in huge factories. 7) The researchers' efforts paid off and the aircraft was launched at 10 o'clock this morning. 8) The requirements to win the prize were for the ship to enter space and return back to Earth twice in two weeks.

9) If space travel is to be marketed, people could spend their holidays there, gazing admiringly at space through a large window. 10) There were 200 passengers on board the plane. They turned the flight into an unforgettable experience.

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