Engleza, întrebare adresată de Lola53, 9 ani în urmă

Traduceti in engleza:
a urca = a cobora
a iesi = a urca
a prinde = a rata
a gasi = a pierde
a pleca = a ramane
gras = slab
1) Ea canta la pian frumos. 2)Tu trebuie sa fi sora lui Tom pentru ca arati exact ca el. 3)Imposibil sa fie mama la usa pentru ca este la birou. 4) El a putut sa se urce in copac vara trecuta.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de MissQueen
go up=go down
go in= go out
to catch=to miss
to find= to lose
to leave=to stay
1. She sings beauty at the piano.
2. You are Tom's sister because you are like him
3. Its imposible , mom isn't at home, she's at work
4. He could go up in the tree last summer

Lola53: Mersi !
Răspuns de CrispyPit21
to climb=to lower
to enter=to climb
to catch= to miss
to find=to lose
to go=to stay
She plays the piano beautiful. You need to be Tom's sister because you look exactly the same
It is impossible for the mother to be at the door because she is in the office. He was able to climb the tree last summer
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