Engleza, întrebare adresată de girlmada73, 10 ani în urmă

Traduceti in engleza:

Animalul meu preferat este Azorel , catelusul meu cu ochi negri ca doua mărgele , blana albă cu pete negre , care este foarte pufoasa si picioruse scurte.
L-am intalnit pe Azorel in timp ce mergeam spre casă dupa o zi de scoala. Era singur pe marginea străzii semn ca cineva il abandonase. Mi se facuse mila de el si am vrut sa il iau in brate si sa il mângâi , dar s-a speriat si a fugit. Atunci m-am gandit ca poate îi este foame , asa ca am desfăcut plicul de lapte si cornul primit de la scoala si i-am dat să mănânce . S-a apropiat cu teama si a inceput sa infulece. Am reusit sa il mângâi si el a venit langa mine si si-a aratat burtica.
Nu l-am putut lasa acolo asa ca l-am dus acasa . Părintii mei au fost de acord sa il păstrez .
De atunci , eu si Azorel suntem cei mai buni prieteni .

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Utilizator anonim
My favorite animal is Azorel, my puppy with black eyes like two beads, white fur with black spots, which is very fluffy and short legs.I met Azorel while going home after a day of school. He was alone on the street sign that someone had abandoned him. I felt sorry for him and wanted to take him in my arms and caress him, but got scared and ran. Then I thought maybe he is hungry, so I opened the sachet of milk and bread received from school and gave him to eat. Was approached with fear and began to gobble. I managed to caress and he came to me and showed his belly.I could not leave there so I went home. My parents agreed to keep.Since then, I and Azorel are best friends.

Utilizator anonim: succes
Utilizator anonim: chiar daca poate n-ai sa-l alegi cel mai inteligent sper ca te-am ajutat
steam: nu este animal,nu este arms ,ca nu vorbeste de brate ca si cum ar fi corpul uman...vin acum cu compunerea
Utilizator anonim: hai sa vad
Utilizator anonim: stiu ca vrei sa fii tu inteligent dar a meu tot e corect n-o fa pe desteptu
steam: M sunt niste cuvinte care in engleza nu prea poti sa le folosesti...ai inteles...
Răspuns de steam
My favourite pet is Azorel,my dog with black eyes like two beads,with  white fur and black stains,whick is very fluffy.
I met Azorel while i was walking to home after a school day.He was alone on the edge of the road,i think he was abandoned by someone.I had mercy and i wanted to get him and to pet him,but he was scared and he runned away from me.Then i thinked he was hungry,so i opened my milk and gave it to him.He approached with fear and then started to eat.I managed to pet him and then he came next to me and he showed his tummy.I couldn't leave him there so i brought him to my house.My parents agreed to keep him.
Since then,me and Azorel are the best friends

Utilizator anonim: iti pare ca e mai corect acum
steam: da
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