Traduceti in engleza (DAU COROANA) :
1.Te-ai dus acolo cu trenul, cu masina sau cu avionul? M-am dus cu trenul.
2.Cum a fost vremea?
3.Cand te-ai sculat?
4.Unde ti-ai servit mesele?
5.Ce carti ai citit?
6.Unde te-ai dus in vacanta,Victor?
7.M-am dus in vacanta la mare.
8.Nu m-am dus la teatru ieri.M-am dus la cinema.
9.Nu am baut lapte ci am baut ceai.
10.Nu m-am intanit cu profesorii mei. M-am intalnit cu prietenii mei.
11.Nu m-am jucat in strada, m-am jucat in parc.
12.Nu am mancat inghetata. Am mancat o prajitura.
13.Nu am inotat in mare. Am inotat in rau.
14.Nu am alergat in clasa. Am alergat in curtea scolii.
15.Nu am citit o carte. Am citit un ziar.
16.Nu am trimis o scrisoare. Am trimis o telegrama.
17.Nu am cheltuit banii pe jucarii. Am cheltuit banii pe carti.
18.Cand a vrut sa-si ia micul dejun erau 10 oameni in jurul lui.
19.El s-a gandit la un plan.
20.Desigur,toata lumea a inceput sa rada si nimeni nu a pus vreo intrebare.
21.El si-a spalat mainile, s-a asezat la masa si a inceput sa-si manace masa de pranz.
22.El si-a spalat bluza luna trecuta.
23.El a gatit o masa gustoasa acum 2 zile.
24.Ea a deschis fereastra, dar a uitat sa inchida usa.
25.El s-a oprit la un mic HAN DE TURA (country inn) in drumul sau de la Philadelphia spre Boston.
26.Dupa cum stiti hanurile de tura sunt intotdeauna pline de oameni care vor sa afle totul despre....
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Răspuns de
1. Have you went there with the train , with the car or with the plane?-I went with the train .
2.How was the weather?
3.When did you wake up?
4.Where did you have your lunches?
5.What books have you read?
6.Where have you been in your vacation, Victor?
7.I went in vacation at the sea.
9.I haven't drank milk,i drank tea.
10.I haven't met my teachers, i've met my friends.
11.I haven't played in the street, i've played in the park.
12.I haven't ate an icecream . I ate a cookie.
13.I haven't swam in the sea, i swam in the river.
14.I haven't ran in the classroom , i ran in the school yard.
15.I haven't read a book, i read a newspaper.
16.I haven't sent a letter, i sent a telegram.
17.I haven't spent my money on toys, i spent my money on books.
18.When he wanted to take his breakfast, there were ten people around him.
19.He taught of a plan.
20.Of course, everybody started to laugh and nobody gave a question.
21.He washed his hands , sat at the table and had his luch.
22.He washed his jacket last month.
23.He cooked delicious food , two days ago.
24.She opened the window,but forgot to close the door.
2.How was the weather?
3.When did you wake up?
4.Where did you have your lunches?
5.What books have you read?
6.Where have you been in your vacation, Victor?
7.I went in vacation at the sea.
9.I haven't drank milk,i drank tea.
10.I haven't met my teachers, i've met my friends.
11.I haven't played in the street, i've played in the park.
12.I haven't ate an icecream . I ate a cookie.
13.I haven't swam in the sea, i swam in the river.
14.I haven't ran in the classroom , i ran in the school yard.
15.I haven't read a book, i read a newspaper.
16.I haven't sent a letter, i sent a telegram.
17.I haven't spent my money on toys, i spent my money on books.
18.When he wanted to take his breakfast, there were ten people around him.
19.He taught of a plan.
20.Of course, everybody started to laugh and nobody gave a question.
21.He washed his hands , sat at the table and had his luch.
22.He washed his jacket last month.
23.He cooked delicious food , two days ago.
24.She opened the window,but forgot to close the door.
Răspuns de
1., Did you go there by train,by car, or by plane? I went by train.
2.How was the weather like?
3.When did you wake up?
4.Where did you have the meals?
5.What books did you read?
6.Where did you go on holiday,Victor?
7.I went on holiday at the seaside.
8.I didn`t go to the theatre yesterday. I went to the cinema.
9.I didn`t drink milk, but I drank tea.
10.I didn`t meet my teachers. I met my friends.
11.I didn`t play in the street,I played in the park.
12.I didn`t eat ice-cream. I ate a cake.
13.I didn`t swim in the sea. I swam in the river.
14.I didn`t run in the classroom. I ran in the schoolyard.
15.I didn`t read a book. I read a newspaper.
16.I didn`t sens a letter. I sent a telegram.
17.I didn`t spend money on toys. I spent money on books.
18.When he wanted to have breakfast there were 10 people around him.
19.He thought of a plan.
20.Of course, everyone started to laugh and no one asked any question.
21.He washed his hands, sat at the table and started eating his lunch.
22.He washed his shirt last month.
23.He cooked a delicious meal 2 days ago.
24.She opened the window, but forgot to close the door.
25. He stopped at a little country inn on his way from Philadelphia to Boston.
26.As you know, country inns are always full of people who want to know everything about...
2.How was the weather like?
3.When did you wake up?
4.Where did you have the meals?
5.What books did you read?
6.Where did you go on holiday,Victor?
7.I went on holiday at the seaside.
8.I didn`t go to the theatre yesterday. I went to the cinema.
9.I didn`t drink milk, but I drank tea.
10.I didn`t meet my teachers. I met my friends.
11.I didn`t play in the street,I played in the park.
12.I didn`t eat ice-cream. I ate a cake.
13.I didn`t swim in the sea. I swam in the river.
14.I didn`t run in the classroom. I ran in the schoolyard.
15.I didn`t read a book. I read a newspaper.
16.I didn`t sens a letter. I sent a telegram.
17.I didn`t spend money on toys. I spent money on books.
18.When he wanted to have breakfast there were 10 people around him.
19.He thought of a plan.
20.Of course, everyone started to laugh and no one asked any question.
21.He washed his hands, sat at the table and started eating his lunch.
22.He washed his shirt last month.
23.He cooked a delicious meal 2 days ago.
24.She opened the window, but forgot to close the door.
25. He stopped at a little country inn on his way from Philadelphia to Boston.
26.As you know, country inns are always full of people who want to know everything about...
cu plăcere :)
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