Traduceti in engleza(macar cateva din ele,va rog,nu am fost la lectia cu conditionalul) , multumesc!
1.Daca va fi frumos maine,vom merge la plimbare.
2.Nu m-as fi inscris la examen,daca as fi stiut ca e asa de greu.
3.As juca tenis in fiecare zi daca as avea mai mult timp liber.
4.I-as fi spus lui Carmen vestea cea buna daca as fi intalnit-o acasa.
5.Copii se vor uita la televizor daca isi vor termina lectiile
6.Ar putea citi cartile englezesti dara ar sti bine engleza.
7.Daca nu facea atatea greseli de ortografie nu ar fi luat o nota atat de mica.
8.Ion nu-si va cumpara un ceas nou daca nu va avea destui bani.
9.Ei nu se vor duce la pescuit daca nu va fi vreme buna.
10.Ar fi prins trenul daca nu ar fi avut o pana de cauciuc la automobil.
11.Recolta ar fi fost mai buna daca ar fi plouat la timp
12.Am merge cu telecabina daca nu ne-ar fi frica.
13.Am merge la muzeu dupa amiaza daca nu ar fi inchis.
14.Nu stiu dacaam sa-l vad sau nu dardaca il intalnesc ii voi da cartea
15.As pune masa daca as sti la ce ora se intoarce acasa.
16.Daca as fi stiut mai multe poezii as fi castigat concursul
17.Daca ai sa citesti cartea ai sa stii despre cine vorbesc.
18.Daca va continua sa ninga asa de tare nu vom putea merge cu masina.
19.Daca ai munci mai mult ai face progrese mai mari
20.Ai sa ajungi la timp la cinema cu conditia sa pleci chiar acum
21.Ce-ai face daca ai fi in locul ei?
22.Daca ploua maine,amanam plecarea.
23.N-ai fi pierdut trenul daca ai fi luat un taxi.
24.Daca veneai ieri la mine o intalneai pe Emilia.
25.Daca n-ar fi fost John as fi uitat sa aduc planurile.
26.Sa fi stiut cine telefoneaza nu raspundeam.
27.Poti sa iei masina mea sa te plimbi daca imi promiti ca nu vei depasi 80 km/h.
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Răspuns de
1. If you will be nice tomorrow, we'll go for a walk. 2. I would Not be submitted to the exam, if I know that's so hard. 3. I play tennis every day if I had more free time. 4. I'd be told Carmen's good news if I had met her at home. 5. Children will be watching television if he will finish the lessons 6. Could read English books dara would know English well. 7. If not made so many mistakes in spelling would not have taken a note so small. 8. Ion will not buy a new watch if you do not have enough money. 9. they will not result in fishing if there will be good weather. 10. Would have caught the train if he had a rubber till the car. 11. Harvest would have been better if we were rained on time 12. I ride with the cable car if we wouldn't be afraid. 13. We go to the Museum in the afternoon if there would be closed. 14. I do not know dacaam to see him or meet him dardaca not I will give the book 15. I put the table if I know what time it is back home. 16. If I knew more I would have won the contest poems 17. If you read the book you have to know about who's talking. 18. If you continue snowing so hard we cannot go by car. 19. If you work the more you make greater progress 20. You get to time to the cinema if you leave right now 21. What would you do if you were in her place? 22. If it rains tomorrow, amanam departure. 23. You have missed the train if you have taken a taxi. 24. If you veneai me a intalneai yesterday on the Ebr. 25. If it were John I have forgotten to bring the plans. 26. I know who's calling it raspundeam. 27. Get my car to walk if I promise that you will not exceed 80 km/h.
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