Engleza, întrebare adresată de crinairina, 9 ani în urmă

Traduceti in engleza :
Si da,ma gandesc acum ca am ajuns la 17 ani.Ei,ce ani frumosi!
Da!Da!Ce repede au trecut.Ca ieri parca eram mic copilas ce adora parca jucariile.A,da,papusile,preferatele mele si daca ma gandesc mai bine si dulciurile.O,da,da adoram ciocolata.Desigur o mai ador si astazi.Dar papusile?Nu,nu,avum am crescut.Am 17 ani,iar jucariile mele sunt cartile.Cum sunt eu acum?Tot un copil vesel,rasfatat,iubit,dar ascultator.Ce am realizat eu in viata?Pai desigur mai nimic.Dar totusi am invatat si inca mai invat.Dar viata?Viata urmeaza,o traiesc si-o urmaresc.Am timp si sunt la inceputul ei.Da,da ce vremuri ce timpuri.Eu sunt actorul propriei vieti si eu imi aleg ce rol joc.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Alekz
Yes, now I think about what it feel like that I've reached the age of 17. Oh, such beautiful years! Yes! Yes! They passed so fast. It's like yesterday I was a small child that loved toys. Oh, yes, dolls, they were my favourites and if I think well, I also adored sweets! I loved chocolate! Of course I still love it to this day, but dolls? No... I grew up. I am 17 years old and my favourite toys are the books. How am I at the moment? I am a happy, a bit spoiled, loved and obedient child. What have I accomplished in life? Well, of course not a lot, but at least I have learned a lot. How about life? Life is long and I follow its path. I still have a lot of time. I remember the good old days... but I am the actor of my life and I play whatever role I choose.
Răspuns de chfelix23
And yes, I am thinking that I've reached seventeen years old. Oh, such beautiful years! Yes, yes... How fast they have gone. It feels like yesterday i was a little child that loved toys. Oh, yes, dolls, my favourites, and on a second thought sweets too. Yes.. I loved chocolate. Of course I still do. But dolls? No, no... I am a grown up now. I am seventeen years old, and my toys have been replaced by books. What am I like, now? I'm still a joyful , spoiled, loved child but good. What have I achieved in life? Well, not many things, of course. Although I have learned and i still do. But life? Life is about to come, i'm living it and i'm following it. I have plenty of time and I am just at the beginnig. Yes, yes... what times.. I am the actor of my own life and I get to decide what role do I play in it.
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