Traduceti in engleza textul : Populatia orasuluı este de 290.734 de locuıtori,fiind al 7lea oras dın tara dupa numar de locuitorı.Este unul dintre cele maı marı centre economıce dın Romanıa.Orasul Galati are o ıstorıe ıncarcata,sı datorita faptului ca este plasat pe Dunare,economıa sa s a dezvoltat ın jurul Santierului Naval,Portului Fluvial si al Portului Mineralier.Cele maı aprecıate si vizitate obıectıve turistice sunt : Gradina Botanica,Observatorul Astronomic,Gradina Zoologica,Complexul Muzeal de Stiinte ale Naturii,Planetariul etc.Galatiul este un oras foarte frumos sı interesant si merita vizitat.
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Răspuns de
The population of the city accounts for 290734 inhabitants, being the 7th city in the country as a number of inhabitants. It is one of the greatest economic centres in Romania. The city of Galați has a rich history, and due to the fact that it is located on the Danube, its economy has been developped around the Naval Shipyard, the River (Fluvial) Port and the Mineral Port. The most appreciated and visited tourist attactions are (the following): the Botanical Gardens, the Astronomic Observer, the Zoo (the Zoological Garden), the Natural Sciences Museum Complex, the Planetarium, etc. Galați is a very beautiful and interesting city and it deserves to be visited.
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