Engleza, întrebare adresată de mikiiva, 9 ani în urmă

Traduceți în engleza : Ultimul concert live pe care lam văzut a fost concertul Soției Rotaru . Acest concert a fost unul spectaculos și foarte frumos. Aceasta a cântat mai multe piese în limba rusa dar a cânta și în limba romana . Glasul acesteia a fost aplaudat de mii de oamenii. La sfârșitul concertului a fost date focuri de artificii. Acest concert mia plăcut mult și nu mia părut rău că am fost sa văd acest concert

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de tofanpatricia
The last live concert that I saw was the concert wife Rotaru. This concert was spectacular and very beautiful. She sang several songs in Russian but sing in Romanian. Its voice was cheered by thousands of people. At the end of the concert was given fireworks. This concert mia mia liked and did not think I was sorry to see this concert.

mikiiva: Ultima propoziție e grssita
Răspuns de Felicia1818
The last live concert that lam was seeing his wife Rotaru concert. This concert was one spectacular and very nice. That stand has sung several songs in Russian, but singing in English. Its voice was applauded by thousands of people. At the end of the concert was given the fireworks. This pleasant m.i.a. concert and not mia sorry that I was to see this concert.
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