Traduceti in engleza urmatoarele :
1)Tata se trezesate foarte devreme, dar se spala, se barbiereste si ia micul de jun asa de incet incat nu auzim nimic, dar il auzim cand pleaca de acasa fiindca masina noastra e veche si face un zgomot groaznic.
2)Mereu imi da telefon si-mi pune intrebari stupide
3)-Ce citeste tatal tau cand este in vacana?
-El citeste romane politiste, dar acum citeste o carte SF.
4)Toata lumea stie ca Dunarea se varsa in Marea Neagra.
5)Bunica gateste in bucatarie acum; ea mereu gateste dupa amiaza.
7)Noi ne petrecem acest week-end la munte.Noi merem la munte aproape in fiecare saptamana.
8)Nu poti vorbi cu Jim, acum el doarme.
9)Profesoara de obicei canta in Engleza dar astazi canta in Franceza.
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Răspuns de
1) Dad wakes early but he washes, shaves and takes the breakfast so slow that we cannot hear anything, but we hear when he leaves because we have an old car and it makes a terrible noise.
2) He always calls me and asks me stupid questions.
3) ” What does your father read when he is in holiday? ”
” He reads crime novels, but now he is reading a SF book. ”
4) Everybody knows that Danube flows into the Black Sea.
5) Grandma is cooking in the kitchen now; she always cooks in the afternoon.
7) We spend this weekend in the mountains. We are going in the mountains almost every week.
8) I cannot talk to Jim, now he is sleeping.
9) The teacher usually sings in English but now she is singing in French.
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2) He always calls me and asks me stupid questions.
3) ” What does your father read when he is in holiday? ”
” He reads crime novels, but now he is reading a SF book. ”
4) Everybody knows that Danube flows into the Black Sea.
5) Grandma is cooking in the kitchen now; she always cooks in the afternoon.
7) We spend this weekend in the mountains. We are going in the mountains almost every week.
8) I cannot talk to Jim, now he is sleeping.
9) The teacher usually sings in English but now she is singing in French.
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