Engleza, întrebare adresată de ioana098070, 8 ani în urmă

Traduceți în engleză următoarele propoziții:
1. E posibil ca ei să fi avut un accident.
2. E ora 12. Elevii scriu de la 9.
3. Privește-l!Joacă fotbal.
4. După ce am vorbit cu el ,am plecat acasă.
5. Când l-am sunat, dormea. Dormea de 2 ore.
6. Nu se poate ca el să fi picat examenul,era bine pregătit.
7. Marry mi-a spus că nu vă ajută la teme după ce va termina orele.
8. L-ai văzut? Unde era?
9. Polițistul ne-a interzis să traversăm strada alergând.
10. Întotdeauna vine fără teme la ora de engleză.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de MaryAry8282

1. They may have had an accident.

2. It's 12. The students are writing from 9 -> aici poți spune și 12 AM și 9 AM (AM îl folosești când e vorba de dimineață, iar când e vorba de seară, vei folosi PM)

3. Look at him! He's playing football.

4. After I talked to him, I went home.

5. When I called him, he was sleeping. He was sleeping for 2 hours.

6. It's imposibile that he failed his exam, he was well prepared.

7. Marry told me that she will not help you with your homework after she will finish the classes.

8. Did u see him? Where he was?

9. The policeman forbade us to run while we are crossing the road.

10. Always is coming without homework at English class.

(Nu știu dacă este bine la propozitia 10....)

Sper te-am ajutat!

Răspuns de mbc220861



1. They might have had an accident.

2. It's 12 o'clock. The students have been writing since 9 o'clock.

3. Look at him! He's playing football.

4. After I talked to him, I went home.      

5. When I called him, he was sleeping. He had been sleeping for 2 hours.

6. It's imposibile that he failed his exam, he was well prepared.        

7. Marry told me that she would not help you with your homework after she would finish the classes.

8. Did you see him? Where  was he?

9. The policeman forbade us to run while crossing the road.

10. He is always coming without homework at the English class.

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