Engleza, întrebare adresată de DedeDea28, 9 ani în urmă

Traduceti in engleza urmatoarele propozitii:
1.Marry tocmai cumpăra niste tricouri cand la intalnit pe John
2.Daniel alerga în timp ce soția lui dormea
3.John mănancă niste placinte cu mere cand a vazut-o pe Sally
4.Seful zbura cu avionul in timp ce angajatii mergeau cu autobuzul
5.In timp ce bunica ma ajuta la teme, bunicul citea ziarul
6.Pe masura ce Susan scria vederea, fiul ei arunca jucariile in piscina
7.Cand am vazut semnul vorbeam la telefon cu prietena mea
8.Paul tocmai aducea tortul cand a alunecat pe podea si tortul i-a cazut pe față
9. In timp ce pisica se juca cu o minge pe canapea, cainele rodea un os
10.Cand am intalnit-o pe Mary pe stradă, am salutat-o iar ea a zambit

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de lenuta1vra2email

1.Marry just bought some shirts when he met John

2.Daniel ran while his wife slept

3.John is eating some apple pies when he saw Sally

4. The boss flew by plane while employees were bus riding

5. While my grandmother helped me with themes, my grandfather was reading the newspaper

6. As Susan wrote the sight, her son tossed the toys in the pool

7. When I saw the sign I was talking to my friend on the phone

8. The priest just brought the cake when he slipped on the floor and the cake fell on his face

9. While the cat was playing with a ball on the couch, the dog bore a bone

10.When I met Mary on the street, I greeted her and she smiled

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