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Imparatul lacom
A fost odata ca niciodata un imparat foarte lacom.Acesta manca tot timpul si nu-l interesa nimic.Intr-o zi tara lui a ramas fara provizii,inclusiv palatul.Imparatul nu-i venea sa creada,si i-a pus pe paznicii lui sa fure din tarile vecine.Astfel a intrat in conflict cu o tara.Acea tara a declarat razboi pentru ai putea lua tara.Imparatul avand probleme de sanatate nu a fost in stare sa-si apere tara.Dupa ce a fost detronat s-a refugiat intr-o tara mai indepartata si acolo si-a petrecut sfarsitul vietii,uitand de lacomie pentru totdeauna.
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The greedy king
Once upon a time, there was a very greedy king. he was eating all the time and never cared about anything. One day, his kingdom was left without any resources, including the castle. The king couldn't believe that, so he put his guards to steal from the neighboring countries. This way he got in big problems with one kingdom, which declared war to take over the kingdom. The king was having health problems so he couldn't protect his kingdom. After his throne was took from him, he run away to a kingdom, far away, where he spend the rest of his life, forgetting about the greediness for ever.
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