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Corpul omului are nevoie de miscare fizica zilnic, aproximativ 30 de minute. Daca nueste posibil, atunci macar la doua zile trebuie sa facem sport sau alt efort fizic. La fel seintampla si la nivelul creierului. El cere a fi provocat cu diverse sarcini. Cand invatam seactiveaza o anumita parte a creierului si conexiunile respective isi imbunatatesc functiile. Dacane obisnuim creierul sa fie dinamic, el va ajunge sa foloseasca mai putine resurse pentruaceleasi activitati. Cand vom fi batrani mintea noastra va functiona cu atat mai bine cu cat amfacut mai mult sport in viata. Si gradul de inteligenta de cand eram copii influenteazacapacitatea creierului de a lucra la batranete, sustine Academia Americana de Neurologie.Specialistii au constatat binefacerile sportului in randul oamenilor in varsta si au fost surprinsi sadescopere o legatura intre coeficientul de inteligenta al batranilor pe cand erau mici si sanatateaplamanilor. Cei care au fost inteligenti la varsta copilariei au plamani mai sanatosi la batranete.In timp oamenii nu isi pierd identitatea cognitiva si drept urmare isi pastreaza capacitatile.Cineva care nu s-a descurcat niciodata bine la chimie cu siguranta nu isi va ameliora acestecunostinte atunci cand va fi mai matur sau batran
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The human body needs daily physical movement, about 30 minutes. Of that its not possible, then once every two days we have to do sport or other physical efforts. The same happens on the brain level. It demands to be challenged with different tasks. When we learn, a certain part of our brain activates and the respective connections are improving their functions. If we accomodate our brain to be dynamic, then it will get to use less resources for the same activities. When we will be old, our mind will work the better the more we did sport. The level of intelligence from when we were kids also influences the brain's capacity to work at an old age, says the American Academy of Neurology. The experts have noticed the benefits is sport on elderly people and were surprised to discover a connection between the level of intelligence of the elderly people when they were young and the health of the lungs. Those who were smart as kids have healthier lungs at an old age. In time, people don't lose their cognitive identity and as a result their keep their capacities. Someone who wasn't good at chemistry will definitely not improve this knowledge when they are grown up or old. :)
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