Engleza, întrebare adresată de alexxdut, 9 ani în urmă

traduceti in limba engleza : 1. Surorile mele tocmai au venit de la scoala. 2. De cat timp dorm copiii? 3. Kack a terminat deja exercitiul?Au trecut doar 10 minute de cand i l-am dictat. 4. Ai incercat vreo data sa-l ajuti? 5. Arthur exerseaza pian de la ora 8. 6.Ce vor face fratii tai dupa ce vor termina scoala? 7. Noi muncim in gradina de mai bine de trei ore si nu am obosit inca. 8. Nu am auzit nimic de ei in ultima vreme. 9. Ai citit poezie a colegului meu de banca? 10. Voi jucati carti de vreo doua ore , dar nu v-ati terminat inca temele . 11. Harry nu i-a oferit flori sotiei de foarte mult timp. 12. De cand stie David adevarul despre bunicul sau? 13. Ma gandesc la cele spuse de ea de mai bine de doua ore si tot nu pot intelege ce s-a intamplat acolo. 14. Am incercat adesea sa i spun adevarul. 15. Ea nu l-a inteles niciodata. 16. Ei si-au imbunatatit mult pronuntia anul acesta. 17. Ce muzee importante ale lumii ai vizitat pana acum? 18. De cat timp n-a mai fumat Christine? 19. Supa fierbe de la ora zece, dar nu este inca gata. 20. Prietenii mei vor pleca in strainatate de indata ce isi vor cumpara masina.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de evachristiana25

1. My sisters just came from school.  2. How long do children sleep?  3. Has Kack already finished the exercise? It's only been 10 minutes since I dictated it.  4. Have you ever tried to help him?  5. Arthur has been practicing the piano since 8 o'clock. 6. What will your brothers do after school?  7. We have been working in the garden for more than three hours and we are not tired yet.  8. I haven't heard from them lately.  9. Did you read poetry by my bank colleague?  10. You've been playing cards for about two hours, but you haven't finished your homework yet.  11. Harry hasn't given his wife flowers in a long time.  12. How long has David known the truth about his grandfather?  13. I've been thinking about what she said for more than two hours and I still can't understand what happened there.  14. I often tried to tell him the truth.  15. She never understood him.  16. They have improved their pronunciation a lot this year.  17. What important museums in the world have you visited so far?  18. How long has Christine stopped smoking?  19. The soup boils at ten o'clock, but it is not ready yet.  20. My friends will go abroad as soon as they buy their car. Spor la lucru !

alexxdut: multumesc mult!!!
evachristiana25: Cu mare drag. (Știu destulă engleză!) Spor
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