Engleza, întrebare adresată de Bia0211, 8 ani în urmă

Traduceti in limba engleza:
Animalele sunt fiinte minunate ce traiesc in mai multe medii: terestru,acvatic,subteran si aerian. Ele se clasifica in doua grupe vertebratele si nevertebratele.
Nevertebratele sunt vietuitoarele fara coloana vertebrala.Ele au fost primele animale de pe planeta din care au evoluat urmatoarele specii superiare. Printre nevertebrate se numara:racul,scorpionul,insectele precum paianjenul sau buburuza gingasa,coralii,buretii de apa si multi altii.
Vertebratele sunt vietuitoarele care ce au coloana vertebrala.Sunt mult mai raspandite decat nevertebratele.Ele sunt: pestii, maimutele, pasarile, vacile, cainii,pisicutele si sa nu uitam de cea mai evoluata specie,omul.
Orice fel de animale,vertebrate sau nevertebrate,terestre sau acvatice,fiecare e special in felul lui,indiferent daca e frumos sau infiorator fiindca daca nu ar fii ceva infiorator nici frumosul nu ar exista,asa ca trebuie sa le protejam si sa nu le distrugem fiindca fiiecare are un rol anume pe pamant.Asa ca,IUBITI ANIMALELE! si nu le distrugeti,din potriva salvati-le.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de cristiturcu03
animals Animals are wonderful beings living in several environments: terrestrial, aquatic, underground and air. They are classified into two vertebrate and invertebrate groups. They were never old without a spine. They were the first animals on the planet from which the following supernatural species evolved. Among the invertebrates are: crayfish, scorpion, insects such as spider or buburuza gingasa, coral, water sponges and many others. Vertebrates are the living creatures that have the spine. They are more widespread than the invertebrates. They are: fish, monkeys, birds, horses, dogs, kittens and do not forget about the most advanced species, man. Any kind of animals, vertebrates or invertebrates, terrestrial or aquatic, each is special in its own way, whether it is beautiful or frightening, because if there was something frightening or beautiful there would not be, so we have to protect them and not destroy them because everybody has a particular role on earth. So, you LOVE ANIMALS! and do not destroy them, save them from the reserve.
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