Traduceți în limba engleză folosind Past Tense Simple sau Present Perfect Simple sau Continuous:
1. Cine te-a învățat să vorbești engleza atât de bine?
2.Unde ti-ai petrecut vacanta anul acesta?
3.M-am gândit adesea sa-mi iau carnet de conducere.
4. De cat timp înveți engleza?
5. Vremea s-a încălzit in ultimul timp.
6. El este ministru de doi ani.
7. Traduc un text de două ore și nu l-am terminat încă.
8.El a scris numai două scrisori de când a plecat in străinătate.
9.Un copil a spart geamul.Trebuie să-l înlocuim.
10.Ninge de două ore.
11. Am mers pe jos 10 km până acum.
12. Mergem pe jos de la ora 3.
13. De când mi-am cumpărat mașină,am mers arareori pe jos la slujbă.
14. La ce te-ai uitat?
15. A fost un accident .
16. Cu cine ai votat la ultimele alegeri?
17. Nu am mers la vot. Am stat acasă și nu am regretat nici o clipa.
18. Ai văzut ziarul de azi?
19.A plecat John?
20.Da,a plecat acum o oră .
21.Ti-ai luat deja micul dejun?
22. Da, l-am luat la ora 8.
23.Ai mai fost în acest oraș?
24.Da,am petrecut o lună aici,acum doi ani.
25. Ei lucrează la această casă de un an și nu au terminat-o inca.
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Răspuns de
Hey uita-le:
1. Who has taught you to speak English so well? 2.Where did you spend your vacation this year? 3. I often thought of taking my driving license. 4. How long have you been learning English? 5. The weather has warmed up lately. 6. He is a two-year minister. 7. I'm writing a two-hour text and I have not finished it yet. He wrote only two letters when he left abroad. 9. One child broke the window. We have to replace it. 10. Leave for two hours. 11. I walked 10 km so far. 12. Walk down from 3 o'clock. 13. Since I bought my car, I rarely walked to the job. 14. What have you looked for? 15. It was an accident. 16. Who did you vote for at the last election? 17. I did not go to the vote. I was at home and I did not regret for a moment. 18. Have you seen the newspaper today? 19. Did John leave? 20.Yes, she left an hour ago. 21. Have you already taken your breakfast? 22. Yes, I took it at 8 o'clock. 23. Have you been in this town before? 24.Yes, I spent a month here two years ago. 25. They have been working on this house for a year and have not finished it yet
Sper ca te-am putut ajuta
1. Who has taught you to speak English so well? 2.Where did you spend your vacation this year? 3. I often thought of taking my driving license. 4. How long have you been learning English? 5. The weather has warmed up lately. 6. He is a two-year minister. 7. I'm writing a two-hour text and I have not finished it yet. He wrote only two letters when he left abroad. 9. One child broke the window. We have to replace it. 10. Leave for two hours. 11. I walked 10 km so far. 12. Walk down from 3 o'clock. 13. Since I bought my car, I rarely walked to the job. 14. What have you looked for? 15. It was an accident. 16. Who did you vote for at the last election? 17. I did not go to the vote. I was at home and I did not regret for a moment. 18. Have you seen the newspaper today? 19. Did John leave? 20.Yes, she left an hour ago. 21. Have you already taken your breakfast? 22. Yes, I took it at 8 o'clock. 23. Have you been in this town before? 24.Yes, I spent a month here two years ago. 25. They have been working on this house for a year and have not finished it yet
Sper ca te-am putut ajuta
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Limba română,
8 ani în urmă
8 ani în urmă
8 ani în urmă
9 ani în urmă
9 ani în urmă
9 ani în urmă