Traduceti in limba engleza urmatorul anunt:
Nu trece indiferent pe langa ei!
Acesti caini sunt sprijiniti de cativa localnici inimosi din preajma care-i hranesc cu cate-o bucata de paine.Sufera de frig si indura respingerile,ura si dispretul oamenilor din jur.Nu doar ei sunt in pericol,ci si copiii care trec pe langa ei .Riscul de a ataca din lipsa mancarii ,caldurii si a iubirii este foarte mare.
Pentru aceasta situatie se pot construi noi adaposturi ,mai calduroase si ferite de frig si conditii meteo nefavorabile,se pot face oferte avantajoase la hrana si tratamente pentru catelusii adoptati si se pot administra amenzi pentru persoanele care abandoneaza.
Răspunsuri la întrebare
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Don't pass indifferent near them!
These dogs are supported by a few hearty locals around,who feed them with a piece of bread.They are suffering from cold and endure rejection,hate and contempt for the people that pass by.Not only they are in danger,but also children who pass by .The risk to attack from lack of food,warthmand love is very high.
For this situation can build new warmer shelters and protected from cold and bad weather,they can make great deals on food treatments for adopted puppies and can be administrated fines for the people who drop.
These dogs are supported by a few hearty locals around,who feed them with a piece of bread.They are suffering from cold and endure rejection,hate and contempt for the people that pass by.Not only they are in danger,but also children who pass by .The risk to attack from lack of food,warthmand love is very high.
For this situation can build new warmer shelters and protected from cold and bad weather,they can make great deals on food treatments for adopted puppies and can be administrated fines for the people who drop.
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