Engleza, întrebare adresată de Mirela27, 9 ani în urmă

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Suddenly , there was a crash! An awful crash! The ship had struck a rock. As the White Ship began to sink, the Captain put the Prince in a small boat. 'Row, men, row! ' , he cried, 'And save the Prince.' 'Stop, men, stop! 'cried the Prince.
'I hear my sister Marie's call for help '
Back they rowed to the sinking ship. Marie jumped into her brother's arms. But so many lords and ladies followed her that the frail boat sank. And now only the broken mast of the ship appeared above the waters. Two men clung to it. And as they clung, the captain shouted from the water 'Where is the Prince? ''He is drowned', they cried. 'Ah! Woe is me ! ' said the captain as he fell back beneath the waves. When morning came, only one man was left to be saved by the fisherman sailing by. Only one remained out of three hundred!
For days none dared to tell the King. At last a page was sent to him. On his knees, weeping bitterly, the little boy told the dreadful tale. From that day on, it is said, no one ever saw King Henry smile.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de mereee
Dintr-o data, s-a auzit o lovitura! O lovitura ingrozitoare. Vaporul s-a lovit de o piatra. In timp ce Vaporul Alb (??) incepea sa se scufunde, Capitanul l-a pus pe print intr-o barcuta. "Vasliti, oameni, vasliti!" a strigat el. "si salvati printul!" "opriti-va, oamenilor, opriti-va!" a strigat printul. "Aud strigatele de ajutor ale surorii mele Marie." Ei au vaslit inapoi la vasul care se scufunda. Marie a sarit in bratele fratelui ei. Dar atatia domni si doamne au urmarit-o incat barca fragila s-a scufundat. Acum doar catargul barcii aparea deasupra apei. Doi oameni se agatau de el. Si in timp ce se agatau, capitanul striga din apa "unde e printul?". "S-a inecat", au strigat ei. "Ah! Doamne!" a spus capitanul, in timp ce se scufunda inapoi in valuri. Cand s-a facut dimineata, doar un om a ramas sa fie salvat de pescarii care navigau prin apropiere. Doar unul a ramas din trei sute! Pentru zile intregi nimeni nu a indraznit sa-i spuna regelui. In final, i-a fost trimisa o hartie. Ingenuncheat, plangand cu amaraciune, baietelul a spus povestea ingrozitoare. Din acea zi, se spune, nimeni nu l-a mai vazut pe regele Henry zambind.

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