Traduceti in romana:
Dear Maria,I thought you'd never reply to my last letter! Anyway, back to your question. Well, if I wereyou, I'd choose the museum job.Working in a restaurant would be very tiring. Trust me I've done such a job, and I quit within amonth! However you talk to lots of people, listen to their discussions which can sometimes bevery interesting but still you get really tired.Working in a museum though can be really interesting. You just have to explain to the visitorswhat is what. You may think that you will have to talk all day, but that's not true. You see many people just like to browse through the museum. You also have to remind the rules of themuseum to some that disobey them, but these people are usually very few; not something you should worry about.I heavily suggest you take the museum job. It's easier and less tiring. I'm looking forward to get your reply.
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Răspuns de
Draga Maria,am crezut ca nu imi vei raspunde niciodata la aceasta scrisoare!Oricum,inapoi la intrebarea ta.Deci,daca eram in locul tau,alegeam slujba la muzeu.Sa lucrezi intr-un restaurant poate fi foarte obositor.Am avut si eu o astfel de slujba si am demisionat in mai putin de o luna.Cu toate acestea,poti vorbi cu o multime de oameni,sa le asculti discutiile care pot fi uneori interesante,dar tot te-ai plictisi.Desi sa lucrezi intr-un muzeu poate fi foarte interesant.Tu ar trebui sa le explici vizitatorilor ce si cum,Probabil te gandesti ca ar trebui sa vorbesti toata ziua,dar nu e adevarat.Vezi multe persoane care vor sa se uite prin muzeu.De altfel va trebui sa le reamintesti regulile muzeului in cazul in care le vor incalca,dar astfel de persoane sunt de obicei foarte putine,nu e ceva de care ar trebui sa te ingrijorezi.Iti sugerez sa accepti slujba de la muzeu.E mai usoara si mai putin obositoare.Abia astept pana imi vei scrie iar(imi vei raspunde).
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