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In Romania au fost multe mijloace de transport.Cu trecerea timpului acestea s-au modernizat s-au au aparut alte mijloace care le-au inlocuit .Doua dintre cele mai cunoscute mijloace de transport care au fost in trecut si sunt si in prezent sunt carul cu boi si caruta cu cai .In trecut se folosea carul cu boi pentru munca pe camp, aducerea cultivarii a diferitelor legume , de la cartof,porumb,pana la iarba si fan ,care se practica inca in unele zone .Aceasta modalitate a fost inlocuita de caruta cu cai .Acestia faceau si fac acelasi locru ce faceau si fac caii cu boi .Spre deosebire de carul cu boi caruta cu cai ,era si o modalitate de transport numindu-se ,,caleasca " ,folosite de familiile regale pentru a ajunge la castel.Azi este foarte rar folosita.
In secolul 21 ,in care ne aflam noi ,ca mijloce de transport cel mai des folosite sunt masina ,autobuzul,avionul ,microbuzul,trenul si multe altele.Desigur si acestea prin modernizare au ajuns sa fie transporturi in comun.
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in romania there were many ways of transporting.By the time they got more and more modern and other ways of transportantion took their place.Two of the most known past ways of transportation are present this day.In the past they used carts pulled by bulls for field works,bringing and planting vegetables,from potatoes and corn to grass and hay,and they stiil use it in some regions.This was replaced by carts pulled by horses,who did the same job the bulls did.Unlike the cart pulled by bulls the one pulled by horses became a way of transportation called ,,caleasca'',that were used by regal families to get to the castle.Today it's used very rarely.
In the 21se century,in which we are right now,the mostly used ways of transportation are the car,the bus,the plane,the minibus,the train and many others.Of course,these became ways of common transportation
In the 21se century,in which we are right now,the mostly used ways of transportation are the car,the bus,the plane,the minibus,the train and many others.Of course,these became ways of common transportation
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