Engleza, întrebare adresată de qwerty, 9 ani în urmă

Traduceti-mi in engleza, va rog.
1)Mi-a raspuns la intrebare dupa ce am repetat-o de doua ori.
2)Nu ar fi venit daca nu as fi invitat-o.
3)Am pregatit cina dupa ce a venit acasa.
4)L-am intalnit cand vizitam orasul.
5)Cand am vorbit cu ea, mi-a spus ca este foarte obosita pentru ca lucrase in gradina toata dimineata.
6)I-am scris o scrisoare acum cateva zile si l-am intrebat cate proiecte a terminat.
7)Mi-a promis atunci ca rochia va fi gata intr-o saptamana.
8)De indata ce ne va vedea se va opri din cantat.
9)Maine pe vremea asta vor traduce textul.
10)Mergea spre casa cand a auzit un zgomot ciudat.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de EnglishFreak
1) He answered my question after i repeated it twice. 2)Se wouldn't have came if i didn't invite her. 3)I prepared dinner after she came home. 4)I met him when i was visiting the town. 5)When i spoke to her, she told me she was very tired because she had worked in the garden all morning. 6)I wrote him a letter several days ago and asked him how many projects bas he finished. 7)He promised me then that the dress would be ready in a week. 8)As soon as he will see us, he will stop singing. 9)On this time, tomonrrow , they'll be translating the text. 10)She was walking toward home when she heard a noise.
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