Engleza, întrebare adresată de siriteanumatey, 10 ani în urmă

Traduceti-mi va rog propozitiile urmatoare in limba Engleza.
 1.Matusa mea este cea mai buna din lume.Parintii mei imi iau multe cadouri,dar ea imi cumpara cele mai multe.

 2.Cine este cel mai bun din clasa?
    Colega mea de banca Malina este cea mai buna,dar sunt si alti copii care pot fi la fel de buni ca ea.
3.Cand am fost la gradina botanica am vazut mai multi copaci decat in oras.

4.Cele mai multe masini din lume sunt gri.Mai multe masini sunt negre,rosii si albe si cele mai putine portocalii roz si mov.

5.Sora mea scrie foarte frumos.Mai frumos ca mine,dar nu atat de frumos ca bunica.

6.Era o fetita tacuta,ingrijita si ascultatoare.Era mai inteligenta ca multi altii,dar mai putin indrazneata si nu la fel de increzatoare.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Geta1955
1. My aunt is the best in the world. My parents buy me many presents, but she buys me the most.
2. Who is the best in the class? My desk mate, Malina is the best, but there are other students who can be as good as she is.
3. When I was at the zoo I saw more trees than in town.
4. The most of the cars in the world are grey. Many cars are black, red and white, and the fewest are orange, pink and purple.
5. My sister writes beautifully. More beautiful than I do, but not as beautiful as our grandmother.
6. She was a quiet, clean and obedient girl. She was more intelligent (smarter) than many others, but less audacious and not as confident.

siriteanumatey: super tare
siriteanumatey: ms mult
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