Engleza, întrebare adresată de Marya2015, 9 ani în urmă

traduceti si puneti la trecut urmatoarele verbe: to accept, to admit, to bake, to bury, to calculate, to call, to clean, to copy, to decorate, to dream, to explain, to great, to guess. HELPPPPP AM NEVOIE SUPER REPEDE, DAU COROANA !!!❤

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de andreeap131
to accept= a accepta ; He accepted the offer. to admit = a recunoaste; He admitted that he was wrong.to bake= a coace ; She baked a really good cake.to bury= a ingropa; He burried his dog yesterday.to calculate= a calcula; He calculated the sum of these numbers.to call= a suna; They called to let us know they will arrive soon.to clean= a curata; I cleaned the bathroom yesterday.to copy= a copia; She copied her sister's look.to decorate= a decora; I decorated the cake for my sister's weddingto dream= a visa; He dreamed about going to Italy.to explain= a explica; She explained to me why he was wrong.to greet= a felicita; She greeted him for his success.to guess= a ghici; He guessed the correct answer.
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