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Hans a acceptat si a doua zi sa dus cu oile la munte unde a mers foarte mult . Noaptea sa intors acasa foarte obosit si sa culcat imediat . Cind credea ca a scapat , aceasta a fost sculat de Miller care ii spuse ca are sa faca ordine in camara si ca are nevoie de el . Hans foarte obosit se duse la Miller si incepuse sa faca curat , atunci Miller il lasase singur . A doua zi de dimineata Hans sa dus la biserica , si ii spuse preotului ce se intimpla si il rugase sa-l sfatuiasca . Preotul ii spusese ca prietenii trebuie sa se ajute unul pe altu si ii dase un sfat sa testeze prietenia lui Miller. In drum spre casa Hans se gindea ce sa faca . Acesta se duse la Miller sii spuse ca pentru toate lucrurile pe care le-a facut doreste un sac de faina. Atunci Miller se enervase , iar Hans isi dadu seama cit de profitor este acesta . Anul urmator Hans isi sadii diferite legume si avea o gradina foarte bogata si frumoasa . Miller ramase singur fara prieteni si impreuna cu roaba sa .
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Hans accepted and the next day went with the sheep in the mountains where he walked a lot. Night came home very tired and slept immediately. When thought he had, it was up to Miller who said he has to make order in the pantry and needed him. Hans went to Miller very tired and began to clean up, then Miller had left alone. The next morning Hans went to church and the priest told him what was happening and had asked him to advise him. The priest had told him that friends must help each other and ii dase advice to test Miller's friendship. Hans is on the way home thinking what to do. It went to the sii Miller said that for all the things that made them want a bag of flour. Miller then annoyed, and Hans profiteer he realized how it is. The following year he had planted different vegetables and Hans have a very rich and beautiful garden. Miller left alone without friends and with his maid.
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