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The Wall marele zid(Antena 1), este un zid de 12 m cu numere de la 1 la 7 cu diferite numere acestea reprezentand sume de bani. The Wall tine publicul intr-un suspans incredibil: o combinatie intre quiz-show noroc si stategie, intr-un decor impresionant si interactiv unde 2 coechipieri trebuie sa lucreze impreuna.Prezentatorul emisiunii este Valentin Butnaru
Proba,,Cadere Libera'' da startul la intrebari unde cei doi coechipieri trebuie sa raspunda la intrebari de cultura generala pentru a acumula cat mai multe puncte. Daca raspund corect zidul se va face verde, iar daca raspund gresit zidul se va face rosu, suma scazand sau adunandu-se.suma(aceasta se va intampla pe tot parcursul jocului care dureaza in jur de o ora)
Din prima runda, un coechipier trebuie se se duca in camera de izolatie unde va raspunde la intrebari nestiind daca sunt corecte sau gresite. Celalalt partener trebuie sa decida unde va plasa bila pe zid in asa fel sa cada pe o suma mai mare sau mica. La inceputul fiecarei runde sunt date in avans 2 sau mai multe bile verzi, bile rosii care v-a trebui sa le lanseze la sfarsitul fiecarei runde si bile albe care reprezinta intrebari(sunt in numar de 2>4).
In total sunt 3 runde, unde pe parcurs ce trec de la o runda la alta intrebarile sunt mai grele. In functie daca cel din camera de izolatie a raspuns corect sau gresit si cel din fata zidului a stiut sa amplaseze bine bilele si a avut incredere in el si cunostintele lui.
La final cel din camera va decide daca va semna sa va rupe contractul nestiind cate intrebari le-a ghicit sau cati bani a reusit sa stranga cel din fata zidului, totul este pe intuitie si incredere. Verdictul poate fi dezamagitor sau impresionant de mare, poti pleca acasa cu 0 lei sau cu mai mult de 150000 lei.
Am ales aceasta emisiune pentru ca este interesanta , in acelasi timp te poate tine in suspans,si poti sa iti imbogatesti memoria
Va rog sa ma ajutati!
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The Great Wall is a 12-meter wall with numbers from 1 to 7 with different numbers representing amounts of money.The Wall keeps the audience in an incredible suspense: a combination of quiz-show luck and strategy,in an impressive and interactive decor where 2 teammates have to work together.Presenter of the show is Valentin Butnaru.
Sample ,,Free Fall" give the start to questions where the two teammates have to answer general culture questions to accumulate as many points.If they answer correctly,the wall will turn green and if they answer badly,the wall will turn red,the amount decreasing or gathering (this will happen throughout the game that lasts for about an hour).
From the first round,a teammate has to go to the isolation room where he answers questions asking whether they are right or wrong.The other partner must decide where to place the ball on the wall so it falls on a larger or smaller amount.At the beginning of each round are given in advance two or more green balls,red balls that they have to realease at the end of each round and white balls that are questions (are in number of 2>4).
In total there are three rounds,where on the way from one round to another the questions are more difficult.Depending on whether the one in the isolation room responded correctly or wrongly,and the one in front of the wall knew how to place the balls well and trusted him and his knowledge.
Eventually the one in the room will decide whether to sign the break of the contract by not knowing how many questions he has guessed or how much money he managed to get the one in front of the wall,everything is on intuition and trust.The verdict can be disappointing or impressively high,you can go home with 0 lei or more than 150000 lei.
I chose this show because it's interesting,at the same time it can keep you in suspense,and you can enrich your memory.
Sample ,,Free Fall" give the start to questions where the two teammates have to answer general culture questions to accumulate as many points.If they answer correctly,the wall will turn green and if they answer badly,the wall will turn red,the amount decreasing or gathering (this will happen throughout the game that lasts for about an hour).
From the first round,a teammate has to go to the isolation room where he answers questions asking whether they are right or wrong.The other partner must decide where to place the ball on the wall so it falls on a larger or smaller amount.At the beginning of each round are given in advance two or more green balls,red balls that they have to realease at the end of each round and white balls that are questions (are in number of 2>4).
In total there are three rounds,where on the way from one round to another the questions are more difficult.Depending on whether the one in the isolation room responded correctly or wrongly,and the one in front of the wall knew how to place the balls well and trusted him and his knowledge.
Eventually the one in the room will decide whether to sign the break of the contract by not knowing how many questions he has guessed or how much money he managed to get the one in front of the wall,everything is on intuition and trust.The verdict can be disappointing or impressively high,you can go home with 0 lei or more than 150000 lei.
I chose this show because it's interesting,at the same time it can keep you in suspense,and you can enrich your memory.
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