Engleza, întrebare adresată de lazardiana, 9 ani în urmă

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Vicky lives with her parents and her two brothers,Jack and Fred,in a city.jack's 8 and fred's five.this week,they are on holiday by the see.they have their breakfast in the garden because it's hot.fred doens't want any.they all go to the beach and the see is very blue.there are three beautiful dolphins in the water! jack looks at them.he runs to the see and swims.then jack's dad throws a ball into the sea and the dolphins play with it.dad takes a photo with his camera.it's a great picture

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de vlad2000
Vicky locuieste cu parintii ei si cei doi frati, Jack si Fred, intr-un oras. Jack are 8 ani si Fred are 5 ani. Saptamana aceasta ei sunt in vacanta la mare. Ei iau micul dejun in gradina, pentru ca este cald. Fred nu vrea (micul dejun).Merg toti la plaja si marea este foarte albastra.Sunt trei delfini frumosi in apa ! Jack se uita la ei. El alearga catre mare si inoata. Apoi tatal lui Jack arunca o minge in mare si delfinii se joaca cu ea. Tatal face o fotografie cu aparatul .E o fotografie grozava!
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