Engleza, întrebare adresată de erdeinorbi685, 9 ani în urmă

Traduceti urmatoarele enunturi si intrebari in lb.engleza(Va rog,urgent)
noi uitam
noi am uitat
creste ea?
a crescut ea?
voi platiti?
voi nu platiti?
platiti voi?
tu vorbeai?
tu ai vorbit?
noi nu luam
el nu a inteles
ele vedeau
a pierdut el?
trimiteam noi?
ei mancau
ele nu dadeau
el a cumparat
eu nu am vandut
eu am pastrat
noi alegem
noi am ales
noi alegeam
voi nu conduceti
voi nu ati condus
voi nu conduceati
el nu scrie
el nu a scris
el nu scria
vin ei?
au venit ei?
veneau ei?

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de samira666
we are watching
we forgot
does it grow?
did she grow up?
do you pay?
do not you pay?
do you pay?
you were talking?
you have spoken?
we do not take it
he did not understand
they saw
lost it?
send us?
they ate
they did not give
he bought
I did not sell
I kept it
we choose
we chose
we choose
you do not drive
you did not drive
you do not drive
he does not write
he did not write
he did not write
her wine?
did they come?
were they coming?
sper ca te am ajutat

erdeinorbi685: multumesc
Răspuns de denisapanait2017
We forgot
She grows up?
She grew up?
You pay?
You do not pay?
Do you pay?
You were talking?
You have spoken?
We do not take it
He did not understand
They saw
Lost it?
Send us?
They ate
They did not give
He bought
I did not sell
I kept it
We choose
You do not drive
You did not drive
He does not write
He did not write
They coming?
Did they come?
Were they coming?

erdeinorbi685: multumesc
Alte întrebări interesante