Engleza, întrebare adresată de Cristinik29, 9 ani în urmă

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Acesta este cel mai vechi parc imprejmuit din Londra, fiind si casa unei turme de caprioare. Ceva mai multe caprioare, in jur de trei sute douazeci, plus multe alte animale si pasari.
Altfel daca esti in cautarea unor privelisti de toata frumusetea, urca in varful celui mai inalt deal din parc, iari de acolo vei putea vedea Tamisa si centrul mitropolei asa cum nici nu te astepti.
Crystal Palace Park
Situat in sud-estul Londrei, este un parc imens unde se gasesc dinozauri in marime naturala, un lac mare, fix in centru, care este habitat al catorva specii de pasari, ba chiar si un labirint.
Tot aici se afla si Crystal Palace Museum, locul ideal pentru a afla mai multe despre dinozauri.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de m37h
This is the oldest fenced park in London, being the house of a deer sheep. Several deer, about three hundred and twenty, plus many other animals and birds.
Otherwise, if you are looking for some beautiful beauties, climb to the top of the highest hill in the park, from where you can see the Thames and the center of the metropolis as you do not expect.
Crystal Palace Park Located in Southeast London, it is a huge park where there are natural dinosaurs, a large lake, fixed in the center, which is habitat of some bird species, and even a labyrinth.
There is also the Crystal Palace Museum, the ideal place to learn about dinosaurs.

Nu sunt sigura ca este foarte corect..dar succes in continuare!

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Răspuns de LogarioHD

This is the oldest enclosed park from London, home to a deer herd. Quite a lot of deers, about 320 (three hundred and twenty), plus many other animals and birds.

Also, if you are looking for some beautiful view, climb to the top of the highest hill in the park, where you can see the thames and the center of the metropolis as you do not expect.

Crystal Palace Park

The Parker is located in the south-east part of London, it is a huge park where there are naturally sized dinosaurs, a large lake fixed in the center of the park, which is habitat of a lot of bird species, and even a labyrinth.

Also, there is a museum called Crystal Palace Museum, the perfect place to learn about dinosaurs.

LogarioHD: Acolo unde este the parker este the park, autocorecția ma încurcat
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