Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 9 ani în urmă

Traduceti urmatorul text in limba engleaza.
Numele meu este .......... si am 12 ani. Sunt singura la parinti...petrec foarte mult timp cu ei...si ne distram in diferite moduri.
Locuiesc in...... si imi place mult aici...chiar daca nu este foarte faimos.
Eu stau la casa si locuiesc impreuna cu parintii mei.
Camera mea este una destul de incapatoare si destul de personalizata. Imi place foarte mult sa decorez fiecare camera dupa gusturile mele si imi place sa imi imaginez tot felul de chestii.
De obicei,Sambata,dorm mai mult deoarece nu am scoala si nu sunt nevoita sa ma scol mai devreme...asa ca ma trezesc cam pe la 10-11.
Cand ma trezesc mananc iar apoi stau la tv si pe telefon. Imi petrec ziua ajutand-o pe mami cu treburile sale. Apoi incep sa imi fac temele pt a fi mai usurata pentru zilele in care am scoala.
Dupa aceea imi petrec timpul cu familia si prietenii jucand diferite jocuri.
Aceasta sunt eu si imi iubesc familia si prietenii!

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de alexandranicol3

My name is .......... and I'm 12 years old. I'm an only child ... spend a lot of time with them ... and we have fun in different ways. I live in ...... and I love it here ... even if not very famous. I stay at home and live with my parents. My room is quite roomy and quite personalized. I love to decorate each room after my taste and I like to imagine all sorts of stuff. Usually, Saturday, sleep more because I have school and are not forced to get up early ... so I wake up at about 10-11. I eat when I wake up and then sit on tv and telephone. I spend the day helping Mommy with his affairs. Then I begin to do my homework to be relieved for days when I school. Then I spend time with family and friends playing different games. This is me and I love my family and friends.
Sper ca te-am ajutat ! ;)

alexandranicol3: Cu placere !
Răspuns de Raluk81
My name is.... and I'm 12 years old. I am an only child....I spend a lot of time with them and we have fun in different ways.
I live in....and I like it here...even if is not so famous.
I live at the house with my parents.
My room is big enough and personalized enough. I love to decorate each room after my taste and I love to imagine all kinds of stuff.
Usually, on Saturday , I sleep more because a don't go to school and I do not have to wake up early....so, I wake up around 10-11 o'clock a.m.
After I wake up I eat and then I look at TV and I speak at the phone. I spend my day helping my mum with its affairs. I begin to do my homework to be relieved during the week at school.
After I finish my homework I spend the remaining time with family and friends playing different games.
This is me and I love my family and my friends !!!!
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