Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 9 ani în urmă

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Pe mama mea o cheama...... si are 30 de ani.
Are 52 de kilograme si 1,67 cm.
Are ochii albastrii si parul negru.
Culoarea ei preferata e alb eventual albastru si este in zodia taur.
Pe tatal meu il cheama ............. si are 36 de ani. Ara inaltimea de 1,73 si are 72 de kilograme. Ii place culoarea verde si este in zodia rac.
Suntem o famile formata din 3 persoane:eu,tata si mama.
Ne place foarte mult sa petrecem impreuna si sa ne distam cat mai tare!
Aceasta este familia mea is o iubesc!

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de husaruioanamada
My mother's name is ...... and she is 30 years old. She has 52kg and 1,67.
She has blue eyes  and black hair. Her preferred colors are white and blue .
Her zodiac sign is taurus.

My dad's name is,,,, and he is 36 years old. He has 72 kg and 1,73. He likes the color green and his zodiac sign is cancer.
 We are a family formed by 3 people : me my dad and my mom
 We like spending time with eatchother and have fun ! 
This is my family and I love it :)

Răspuns de Rontailarontaila
My mother name is -------- and have 30 years old.
She has  52 de kg and a height of 1,67 cm.
Shehas blue eye and black hair.
Her favorite color is blue possibly white and is Taurus.My father name is -------- and have 36 years old.
He has a height of 1.73 and has 72 kilograms
Her favourite color is green and is Cancer.
We are a family consisting of 3 persons. I,my father and my mother.
We love to party and have fun together as best! This is my family and I love her!

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