Traduceti va rog compunerea in engleza,va rog frumos DAU 50 PUNCTE
S-a indepartat vacanta de vara.Asteptarile pentru aceasta vara din pacate nu au fost indreptatite.Vara a inceput cu succes.Ieseam afara ma distram cu prietenii.Aveam mari planuri sa experimentez in bucatarie.Toate aceste planuri au fost distruse de niste probleme de sanatate.Am fost la tabara.Unde am intilnit persoane noi,mi-am facut prieteni.Atit de multe amintiri frumoase si minunate petrecute in tabara au rascumparat toate momentele triste si neplacute petrecute in spital.Acesta vara nu a fost cea mai reusita,dar a avut si ea momentele ei frumoase!VA ROG FRUMOS E URGENT!!!!!
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Vara.Asteptarile went away for the summer vacation unfortunately were not succes.Ieseam indreptatite.Vara started with me having fun outside with large prietenii.Aveam bucatarie.Toate plans to experiment in these plans were destroyed by some health problems. I was at tabara.Unde I met new people, I did prieteni.Atit many wonderful memories spent in camp and have redeemed all sad and unpleasant moments spent in spital.Acesta summer was not the most successful, but had she and her beautiful moments
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His vara.Asteptarile removed for vacation this summer DIN were unfortunately not a indreptatite.Vara with me succes.Ieseam fun began experimenting with large prietenii.Aveam Outdoors in bucatarie.Toate Plans were these plans destroyed Some health problems . Former am to tabara.Unde I met new people , I - I did prieteni.Atit many memories of Tabara and Prislop have spent redeemed all unpleasant moments and sad spital.Acesta a summer spent not been the most successful , but a beautiful moments they had it !
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