Engleza, întrebare adresată de titianusorina1, 9 ani în urmă

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Into the jaws of. . .Danger

Underwather photographer . John Peterson tells of the day he came face to face with a great white shark.
I was snorkelling alone near some islands in the east of the Pacific Ocean. I was coming up from a dive when I saw the shark about six metres away. Suddenly it turned and came towards me through the water like a rocket. I just had time to put my hand up in front on my face. Then the shark hit me with all its force and bit my hand. I didn't actually feel the bite.
My face mask fell off so I couldn't see anything . I swam to the water. I was sure that the shark was somewhere near me but I didn't know where. I screamed ''Shark !'' again and again. My life rolled like a film in front of my eyes.
My arm was bleeding badly and I left a cloud of blood behind me. Then I saw the black triangle of a fin on the surface of the water . The shark was following me. I knew it was going to bite me again.
The shark came from behind , and bit my right shoulder . I was swimming and screaming. Finally I saw someone in a dinghy . He was rowing towards me from the boat. Just in tine , I pulled myself over the side of the dinghy , and I was safe.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Geta1955

In falcile… primejdiei

Fotograful subacvatic John Peterson povesteste despre ziua cand a ajuns fata in fata cu un mare rechin alb.

Inotam pe langa niste insule din estul Oceanului Pacific. Urcam de la o scufundare cand vad un rechin la circa sase metri distanta. Brusc se intoarce si vine langa mine prin apa ca o racheta. Am avut timp doar sa-mi pun mana la fata. Apoi rechinul ma lovi cu toata forta si ma Musca de mana. De fapt n-am simtit muscatura.

Masca mi-a cazut asa ca n-am vazut nimic. Inotam prin apa. Eram sigur ca rechinul era undeva langa mine, dar nu stiam unde. Am urlat fara incetare “Rechin!”. Viata mi se desfasura ca un film prin fata ochilor. Bratul imi sangera puternic si lasam o dara de sange in urma mea. Apoi am vazut un triunghi negru de coada de peste la suprafata apei. Rechinul ma urmarea. Stiam ca se pregatea sa ma muste iar.

Rechinul veni din spate si ma musca de umarul drept. Inotam si urlam. In cele din urma am vazut pe cineva intr-o salupa. Vaslea spre mine dinspre nava. Exact la timp m-am impins peste marginea salupei si eram in siguranta.

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