Traducetimi si mie acest paragraf in engleza , nu dupa google translate , daca se poate , ca il traduce prost:
Ultima mea carte citita a fost”Cainele din Baskerville”. Cartea este o carte foarte buna dupa parerea mea deoarece are o actiune destul de complexa ,dar si complicata de altfel,fiinf una dintre putinele carti care nu m-au plictisit si care m-au facut sa o citesc pana la sfarsit.
Aceasta carte a fost scrisa de Sir Arthur Conan, iar parerea mea este ca acesta a scris-o foarte bine, punandu-i in valoare actiunea,evidentiind-o si facand-o mai interesanta pentru cititor.
De altfel cartea este plina de actiune prezentand amplu discutiile si conflictele create de misteriosul caine din baskerville si nu in ultimul rand suspansul creat de acesta
Răspunsuri la întrebare
My last book I read was "The Dog of Baskerville." The book is a very good book in my opinion because it has a rather complex action, but also complicated, being one of the few books that did not bore me and that made me read it to the end.
This book was written by Sir Arthur Conan, and my opinion is that he wrote it very well, highlighting its action, highlighting it and making it more interesting for the reader.
In fact, the book is full of action, presenting extensively the discussions and conflicts created by the mysterious dog from Baskerville and last but not least the suspense created by him.
Salut.Te ajut eu
My last book I read was "The Dog from Bakerville"
The book is very good book in my opinion because it has a rather complex action but aslo complicated being one of the few books that did not bore me and that made me to read it to the end This book was written by Sir Arthur Conan and my opininon is that he wrote it very well putting it in value the action avoiding it and making it more interesting for the reader.Otherwise the book is full of action presenting ample disscusions and conflicts created by the mysterious dog from Baskerville and last but not least the suspense created by him.