Engleza, întrebare adresată de nimunimu, 8 ani în urmă

tradumi urmatoarele propoziti
Eu am o casa frumoasa
Tu ai o masina scumpa
El are niste parinti grozavi
Noi avem niste prieteni foarte buni
Voi aveti multe lucruri comun
Ei au multe carti
El nu are respect pentru ceilalti
Ea nu are o sora
Noi nu avem timp sa mergem in parc
Ai tu o bicicleta frumoasa
Are ea multi copii
Are el multi frati

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de DarcyTay
I have a beautiful house.
You have an expensive car.
He has awesome parents.
We have some really good friends.
You have lots of things in common.
They have many books.
He has no respect for others.
He doesn't have a sister.
We don't have time to go to the park.
You have a beautiful bicycle.
She has many kids.
He has many brothers.
Răspuns de Chris02Junior
Eu am o casa frumoasa = I have a beautiful house.
Tu ai o masina scumpa = You have an expensive car.
El are niste parinti grozavi = He has some awesome parents.
Noi avem niste prieteni foarte buni = We have some really good friends.
Voi aveti multe lucruri comun = You  have lots of things in common.
Ei au multe carti = They have many books.
El nu are respect pentru ceilalti = He has no respect for others.
Ea nu are o sora = He doesn't have a sister.
Noi nu avem timp sa mergem in parc = We don't have time to go to the park.
Ai tu o bicicleta frumoasa = You have a beautiful bicycle.
Are ea multi copii = She has many kids.
Are el multi frati = He has many brothers.

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