Translante to English :
1. Daca te-ar fi ascultat,ar fi aflat adevarul,nu-i asa ?
2. Ai rezolva problema imediat,daca ai stii teoria,nu-i asa ?
3. Lor nu le plac fructele si nici noua.
4. Povestea fusese supusa de multe ori,asa ca erau plictisiti acum cand o spunea el.
5. Este a zecea oara cand iti spun ca nu ai dreptate si tot nu vrei sa intelegi,nu-i asa ?
6. Daca va reusi sa invete tot textul pe derost ,sigur va lua premiul intai.
7. Ei au inteles de la prima expicatie si la fel si voi.
8. Se spune ca aceasta intamplare ar fi adevarata.
9. Despre el s-a spus ca fusese in foarte multe tari straine.
10. Pana acum n-am mai intalnit pe cineva sa cunoasca cinci limbi straine.
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Răspuns de
1. If they had obeyed, they would have learned the truth, wouldn't they?
2. You would solve the problem in no time if you would know the theoretics, wouldn't you?
3. They do not like fruit, and neither do we.
4. The story had been told many times, so they were already bored when he was telling it.
5. It is the tenth time when I tell you that you aren't right, and you don't want to understand, do you?
6. If he learns the text by heart he will surely take the first prize.
7. They have understood from the first explanation and so have you.
8. It is said that this story might be true.
9. It was told about him that he had visited many foreign countries.
10. I have never met someone knowing five foreign languages so far.
2. You would solve the problem in no time if you would know the theoretics, wouldn't you?
3. They do not like fruit, and neither do we.
4. The story had been told many times, so they were already bored when he was telling it.
5. It is the tenth time when I tell you that you aren't right, and you don't want to understand, do you?
6. If he learns the text by heart he will surely take the first prize.
7. They have understood from the first explanation and so have you.
8. It is said that this story might be true.
9. It was told about him that he had visited many foreign countries.
10. I have never met someone knowing five foreign languages so far.
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