Engleza, întrebare adresată de ciucun, 9 ani în urmă


1. Nu stiam ca tu vei pleca atat de curand.
2. Tu mi-ai spus ca ea va intelege aceasta mai tarziu.
3. Noi i-am asigurat ca ii vom ajuta.
4. El ia spus ca va merge la Londra curand.
5. John spera ca toti prietenii lui vor veni la petrecere.
6. Mary ne-a anuntat ca trenul va sosi in 10 min.
7. Eram sigur ca o vei gasi acasa.
8. Tom mi-a promis ca imi va imprumuta cartea aceea a 2 a zi.
9. El a spus ca isi va petrece vacanta de iarna la munte.
10. Ea stia ca acest cantaret va fi renumit in toata lumea.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Touka1
1.I didn't know you will go so early.
2.You told me that she will understand this soon.
3.We sure them that we will help them.
4.He told him that he will go to London soon.
5.Josh hopes that every guest will come to the party
6.Mary warn us that the train will come in 10 minutes.
7.I was sure you will find her at home.
8.Tom promised me that he will loan me the book in the second day.
9.He told he will spent the winter vacation at mountains.
10.She knew this Singer will be famous in the entire world.

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