Engleza, întrebare adresată de OtiliaIoana14, 9 ani în urmă

Translate into English :
1 Ea a donat rochia rosie pe care n-o mai purtase de ani buni.
2 El nu mai inotase in mare inainte de acea zi.
3 Mama sa era suparata pentru ca el nu ii facuse cumparaturile .
4 Iti terminasei tema inainte sa te duci la cinema?
5 De ce n-ai facut curatenie in baie inainte sa afci dus?
6 Ai luat micul dejun inainte sa pleci de acasa?
7 Ea a reusit sa-si gaseasca un loc unde sa stea inainte sa plece la Londra?
8 Unde a stat ea inainte sa se mute cu prietenul?
9 Furtuna a distrus casa pe care ei o construisera.
10 Elevii au sters tabla pe care au folosit-o la exercitiul la matematica .
11 Cand ea a iesit afara sa se joace deja facuse tema.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de 1111am
She donated red dress that I wore it for years.
He does not swim in the sea before that day.
His mother was angry because he did not he had made purchases.
You have completed the homework before you go to the cinema?
Why you did not clean the bathroom before you shower?
You had breakfast before you leave home?

1111am: She managed to find a place to stay before moving to London?
1111am: Where he stayed before moving to her friend?
1111am: The storm destroyed the house they had built on.
1111am: Students have wiped the board on which they used to exercise in mathematics
1111am: When she went out to play he had already made theme.
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