translate into english
1. Liftul nu merge, aşa că va trebui să mergem pe jos
3. Al cui este pixul ăsta?
4. Faci aproape două ore şi jumătate cu avionul de la Bucureşti la Paris.
5. Îţi curge nasul?
6. Pantofii aştia mă rod la călcâi.
7. Oare chiar am vedenii?
8. Nu mă deranjează copiii care se joacă în livada mea.
9. Cine vede de copii când eşti la serviciu?
10. Mă mănâncă nasul.
11. Mă bate gândul să-mi cumpăr casă nouă.
12. Nu cred că este cinstit să-l predai autorităţilor.
13. Dunărea se varsă în Marea Neagră.
14. Priveşte cum curge Dunărea în Marea Neagră.
15. Ce mâini şi ce picioare subţiri ai!
16. Mâine încep examenele.
17. Mâine o să-i fac o vizită.
18. Simt un miros ciudat.
19. Tom miroase scrisoarea să vadă dacă e scrisă pe hârtie parfumată.
20. Am auzit că urmezi cursurile noului profesor de litaratură.
21. Nu-mi place cartea pe care o citesc.
22. Da, da, acum văd un pic mai clar.
23. Consider că acest lucru este total depăşit.
24. Mă gândesc la acest lucru foarte serios.
25. Se pare că doarme.
26. Fantoma tatălui lui Hamlet apare pe scenă.
27. Fantoma tatalui lui Hamlet apare din colțul stâng al scenei.
(indicație scenică/ stage direction)
28. Mătasea e foarte moale.
29. "Cum te mai simți?"
"Oh, mă simt mult mai bine."
"Ce ciudat! Te simți mult mai bine, dar arăți mult mai rău."
30. Maria seamană cu mama ei.
31. Maria începe să semene cu mama ei din ce în ce mai mult.
32. Cărţile costă din ce în ce mai mult în zilele noastre.
33. Aşteaptă un copil.
34. Mâine am întâlnire cu şeful.
35. Vai, ce nepoliticos eşti! Ce ţi s-a întâmplat?
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Răspuns de
1. The elevator is not working, so we will have to walk.
3. Whose pen is this?
4.It takes about two and a half hours to get from Bucharest to Paris by plane.
5. Do you have a runny nose ?
6. These shoes hurt my heels.
7. Do I really have visions?
8. I don't mind the children playing in my orchard/garden.
9. Who takes care of the child when you are at work?
10. My nose is itching.
11. I'm thinking of buying a new house.
12. I don't think it's fair to hand it over to the authorities.
13. The Danube flows into the Black Sea.
14. Watch how the Danube flows into the Black Sea.
15. You’re hands and feet are so thin !
16.My exams start tomorrow.
17. I'll pay him a visit tomorrow.
18. I smell something weird.
19. Tom smells the letter to see if it's written on scented paper.
20. I heard you were taking the courses of the new literature teacher.
21. I don't like the book I'm reading.
22. Yes, yes, now I see a little clearer/better.
23. I consider that this is totally outdated.
24. I think about this very seriously.
25. He seems to be sleeping.
26. The ghost of Hamlet's father appears on stage.
27. The ghost of Hamlet's father appears from the left corner of the stage.(stage direction)
28. The silk is very soft.
29. "How are you feeling?"
"Oh, I feel so much better."
"How weird! You feel so much better, but you look so much worse."
30. Mary resembles her mother.
31. Mary begins to look more and more like her mother.
32. Books cost more and more nowadays.
33. She is expecting a baby.
34. Tomorrow I have a meeting with the boss.
35. Oh,you’re so rude!What happened to you?
3. Whose pen is this?
4.It takes about two and a half hours to get from Bucharest to Paris by plane.
5. Do you have a runny nose ?
6. These shoes hurt my heels.
7. Do I really have visions?
8. I don't mind the children playing in my orchard/garden.
9. Who takes care of the child when you are at work?
10. My nose is itching.
11. I'm thinking of buying a new house.
12. I don't think it's fair to hand it over to the authorities.
13. The Danube flows into the Black Sea.
14. Watch how the Danube flows into the Black Sea.
15. You’re hands and feet are so thin !
16.My exams start tomorrow.
17. I'll pay him a visit tomorrow.
18. I smell something weird.
19. Tom smells the letter to see if it's written on scented paper.
20. I heard you were taking the courses of the new literature teacher.
21. I don't like the book I'm reading.
22. Yes, yes, now I see a little clearer/better.
23. I consider that this is totally outdated.
24. I think about this very seriously.
25. He seems to be sleeping.
26. The ghost of Hamlet's father appears on stage.
27. The ghost of Hamlet's father appears from the left corner of the stage.(stage direction)
28. The silk is very soft.
29. "How are you feeling?"
"Oh, I feel so much better."
"How weird! You feel so much better, but you look so much worse."
30. Mary resembles her mother.
31. Mary begins to look more and more like her mother.
32. Books cost more and more nowadays.
33. She is expecting a baby.
34. Tomorrow I have a meeting with the boss.
35. Oh,you’re so rude!What happened to you?
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