Translate the following into English. Use hypothetical constructions whenever necessary.
1. Ana ar dori sa nu fie atat de ocupata saptamana asta.
2. Va trebui sa asteptam 20 de minute pana la sosirea trenului.Ce pacat ca am plecat de acasa atat de devreme!
3. Baietelul ar dori ca parintii sa-l trimita in tabara de vara de la Sinaia, dar sunt sigura ca ei il vor duce la tara la bunici.
4. Numai de-as putea gasi cuvintele cele mai potrivite!
5. Se lauda ca a rezolvat singur toate problemele de matematica. Numai de l-ai fi auzit!
6. As dori ca ea sa treaca acest examen dificil.
7. Mai degraba m-as duce sa vad un film decat sa pierd timpul asteptandu-te.
8. Luna viitoare e primul examen; e timpul sa te apuci serios de invatat.
9. A trecut o saptamana de cand ai primit scrisoarea de la Angela.E timpul sa ii raspunzi la scrisoare.
10.Numai de nu s-ar opri motorul chiar in mijlocul pantei!
11.Diana vorbeste de parca n-ar fi stiut nimic despre conferinta
12. As fi preferat ca el sa spuna adevarul.
13. Se comporta de parca el ar fi facut toate pregatirile pentru serbare.
14. Toti prietenii mei joaca handbal pe terenul de sport.Ce pacat ca nu stiu sa joc handbal!
Răspunsuri la întrebare
1. Ana would like to not be so busy this week.
2. We would have to wait 20 minutes until the train arrives. What a shame we left home so early!
3. The boy would like his parents to send him to the summer camp at Sinaia, but I'm sure they will take him to the country at his grandparents.
4. Only if I could find the right words!
5. He boasts he solved all math problems himself. Only if you heard him!
6. I would like her to pass this difficult exam.
7. I'd rather see a movie than spend all this time waiting.
8. Next month is the first exam; it's about time you get serious with learning.
9. It's been a week since you got the letter from Angela. It's the time to answer the letter.
10. If the engine would not stop right in the middle of the slope!
11. Diana speaks as she did not know anything about the conference.
12. I would have preffered him to tell the truth.
13. He behaved as if he had done all the preparations for the celebration.
14. All my friends play handball on the playground. What a shame i don't know how to play handball!